there is nothing more American than the trade-union movement.

All your strength is in union, all your danger is in discord.

Would Colonel [Bernie] Sanders honeymoon in the Soviet Union?

Adam and Eve were the first of all unions to defy management.

Sail on, O Ship of State! Sail on, O Union, strong and great.

Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.

With the Union my best and dearest earthly hopes are entwined.

[European Union] a giant cartel that suits big multinationals.

Starting that union was something I believed in very strongly.

There have been major disagreements within the European Union.

We don't want protectionism at the heart of the European Union.

The best customer of American industry is the well paid worker.

Oregon is the only state in the union that facilitates suicide.

I can't help to spit nails when just thinking about Trade Unions

There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union.

A restitution of the Union has been rendered forever impossible.

If the entire Union Army comes across here, I will kill them all!

For the unions, it is simple. There are no jobs on a dead planet.

Trade unions infringe upon the property rights of company owners.

Slavery is the great and foul stain upon the North American Union.

The state of the Union largely depends on the state of the unions.

All union is effected by love, and love is not love without trust.

Obviously, there is diversity, but Europe is a union of diversity.

There's no more usual basis of union than mutual misunderstanding.

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it.

The Soviet Union was pretty much what Lenin and Trotsky said it was.

Man, as an originator of action, is a union of desire and intellect.

Perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God's.

Trade unions are a force for good - a force for a more equal society.

To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus.

The Constitution and the laws are supreme and the Union indissoluble.

Delivering the State of the Union? That bloke couldn't deliver pizza.

The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.

If I went to work in a factory the first thing I'd do is join a union.

My childhood in the Soviet Union was not terrible, it was very joyful.

I'm against the European Union, but I am very much in favor of Europe.

A happy union with wife and child is like the music of lutes and harps.

When the unions were fighting me 45 years ago, they could never beat me.

There are many other pleasures - besides the pleasure of physical union.

Unions are susceptible to the same ills that befall all human societies.

The hand that destroys the Constitution rends our Union asunder forever.

The two of us could form a new kind of union; we could be free together.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, people thought I wasn't funny anymore.

Today's Russia is not to be compared with the Soviet Union of back then.

Love is a state of union. When you can receive love, you can know union.

What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?

The unions may continue to decline, but if they do, it'll be their fault.

I think that every state in the union should recognize same-sex marriage.

Ice hockey is the closest thing to religion permitted by the Soviet Union.

If credit unions can grow and prosper with a 15 percent cap, so can banks.

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