The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems ...

The more unintelligent a man is, the less mysterious existence seems to him.

I'm not too unintelligent.

Donald Trump is not an unintelligent man.

Unintelligent people always look for a scapegoat.

Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.

I was raised to think cursing makes you look unintelligent.

The intelligent, like the unintelligent, are responsive to propaganda.

Putin is an uneducated, unintelligent, uncultured man who has no plan.

The mountains are dangerous. Only an unintelligent person will say they are not dangerous.

I'm working class, and want people to know I'm not unintelligent and all the other cliches that come with it.

I tend to be really spacey, but I don't think it's because I'm unintelligent - it's just my imagination and a little bit of ADD.

There's nothing more boring than unintelligent actors, because all they have to talk about is themselves and acting. There have to be other things.

Unintelligent persons are like weeds that thrive in good ground; they love to be amused in proportion to the degree in which they weary themselves.

I think a lot of people think I'm either unintelligent because I'm a very happy person and I have a lot of energy or that it's a fake happiness, like fake energy. I completely understand that because it's a lot to handle, and I am a very emotional human being.

I get bored with unintelligent scripts. When I read the first page and I can tell what is going to happen, I know I don't want to make the film. It's two months work and I would get deeply bored. I would even prefer to do something that didn't work at the box-office, so long as it kept my interest alive.

I could have easily said that I don't believe in anything when I came out of the upbringing that I had, but I do still believe that there is something there, and I have a difficult time figuring it out. I suppose I don't want to be thought of as stupid or unintelligent because I believe that there's something out there bigger than us in the world.

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