You can't undo a deportation.

We know that we can't undo our whole lives.

A princely mind will undo a private family.

A reformer knows neither how to do nor to undo.

I'm the sort of person who likes to undo everything.

Shuffling is the only thing which Nature cannot undo.

That's the job of art: to undo the logic of the world.

We cannot undo the past in this misguided war in Iraq.

I think multiple levels of undo would be wonderful, too.

You can't undo the past... but you can certainly not repeat it.

If nerves undo you, then you're unlikely to make it as a top footballer.

We might knit that knot with our tongues that we shall never undo with our teeth.

BP cannot undo a settlement it negotiated and signed just to avoid its consequences.

Leftism seeks to undo most of the values that are distinct to Judeo-Christian religion.

I'm sorry that I can't snap my fingers and undo 50 years of bad American foreign policy.

We cannot turn back the clock. We cannot undo the impact of technology. Nor would we want to.

Seems like we were always running away from President Obama or trying to undo what he's done.

It's unfortunate nine years were in between - you can't take that time back; you can't undo it.

Boss, life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and look for trouble.

When one has success, the answer is not to undo that success. It is to continue what has been done.

Even if I could, I wouldn't want to undo the transformation of jazz into a sophisticated art music.

I wrote an apology for the harm I'd caused, but I also knew that an apology could never undo any of it.

If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.

When young I did my best to undo that bit of the British Empire I found myself in: that is, old Southern Rhodesia.

There is no common sense in going to the field to fight and leaving a man at home to undo all that you accomplish.

Democrats are so enraged by President Trump that they have shown their willingness to undo the votes of 63 million Americans.

You can undo a lot of things. If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice. That's the thing I really feel.

If you really accept that global warming puts the world at risk, then you think you would be open to any solution that could undo it.

If Trump is president, I think that his administration will do real structural damage that will take years or decades for us to undo.

I think people are uncomfortable talking about the racist history of this country and what we need to do to undo the impact of racism.

We can only undo the election if the behavior meets the constitutional standard of subverting and threatening our system of government.

I thought about all those people whose suffering had been erased, and I thought, 'Why can't they speak? Why can't I undo some of that erasure?'

If the minority is able to successfully undo the Affordable Care Act by blackmail, it will be the undoing of the democratic nature of our government.

I was raised - my mom and dad were dairy farmers. Once you've made a decision to plant a crop for that year, you can't go back and undo that decision.

I think it's amusing to watch a naive, well-meaning character kind of undo more cynical characters - kind of like watching Laurel and Hardy or Charlie Chaplin.

We cannot turn the clock back nor can we undo the harm caused, but we have the power to determine the future and to ensure that what happened never happens again.

The redefined M.D. is able to access the still, small voice that says I'm about to make a mistake - or I've just made one and I need to undo it before it's too late.

I saw my gender - and myself - as something of a construct. Like anyone who read one too many women studies' books in the 1990s, I aspired to both 'do' and undo my sex.

If there is one phrase or action that every person on the planet would like to erase from his or her memory or have the chance to undo, it would be, 'Let's do it again.'

A block chain is a series of blocks. Each block is a series of computations done by computers all over the world using serious cryptography in a way that's very hard to undo.

I'm not gonna try to defend, or undo what's been done. All I could say about whatever's been done, it's been done, and it's water under the bridge. I have no regrets of my life.

There is no way to undo what happened in the Zimmerman-Martin encounter, but some good can still come of it: it could lead states to repeal their misguided 'Stand your ground' laws.

It goes back in the black community that the police are not your friends. That's an old, old, deep understanding that we have, that it's going to take a lot to undo that in our minds.

Revoking Bill Cosby's Medal of Freedom won't undo his actions or heal the wounds of his victims, but it will signal to the American people that we will not tolerate such lewd behavior.

Patriarchy doesn't just make men out to be ogres. Women buy into the patriarchy as well, and women make those comments as well, like, 'Boys will be boys.' Women have to undo that stuff, too.

For every IP block, DRM, and who-knows-what security feature Hollywood spends thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on, some piracy kid will undo it for free and within a couple of minutes.

I'll be connected with City for the rest of my life - as a fan, as an employee, as an ambassador. Whatever City decide or I decide, it's not something we can undo. We're tied to each other for life.

I wish I could undo what I did at Enron but I can't. I understand that I deserve punishment. Your honor, I accept the prison sentence that you are about to impose and will serve it without bitterness.

What we ended up with, from Bill Clinton onward, is a status quo party and an 'undo the system' party, where the Democrats became the status quo party and the Republicans became the 'undo the system' party.

One thing I really envy about my friends who have kids is that as their children develop, they're able to revisit their own developmental stages and recognise themselves and undo a lot of things they decided.

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