After all, the ultimate goal of all research is not objectivity, but truth.

I respect artists so much, and I absolutely love music as the ultimate art.

I am the ultimate California girl, which is funny, being that I'm Canadian.

There's nothing like making a crowd laugh. For me that's the ultimate high.

What is the ultimate impulse to write? Because all this is going to vanish.

My parents couldnt be looser. It was the ultimate laissez faire upbringing.

We're at war against the ultimate evil in the world, and We're going to win.

My parents couldn't be looser. It was the ultimate laissez faire upbringing.

The ultimate court of appeal is observation and experiment... not authority.

Well, since I produce and pay for my own albums, it is the ultimate freedom.

There is but one ultimate Power. This Power is to each one what he is to it.

My American home is L.A., which is the ultimate city for 365 days of summer.

I think the older I get, the more I realize that the ultimate luxury is time.

'How does your life turn out?' That's the ultimate novelistic question to me.

Sometimes I find some movies patronizing, which I feel is the ultimate crime.

Confit is the ultimate comfort food, and trendy or not, it is dazzling stuff.

Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?

I think that Van Gogh is really the ultimate crazy artist that we all think of.

To play in the World Cup and try to win something for England was the ultimate.

I've always wanted to be an animator. That's an ultimate art form, right there.

Doing what you love and doing it with the people you love is the ultimate dream.

Tinder is the ultimate gamification of romance. It's 'Pokemon Go' for the heart.

Self-appearing subjects and objects are the power of the baseless ultimate truth.

The dream is to originate a role in a show on Broadway. That's the ultimate goal.

I wanna do Broadway one day in New York. That would be an ultimate dream of mine.

The ultimate connection is when you are connected to the creator of the universe.

As an actress, my ultimate goal is to create a universal experience in my acting.

Creme Brulee is the ultimate 'guy' dessert. Make it and he'll follow you anywhere.

I almost think it is the ultimate destiny of science to exterminate the human race.

The ultimate idea of rags-to-riches success in America is the Hollywood movie star.

Pursuing fame is the ultimate in people-pleasing and the ultimate betrayal of self.

Needing nothing really is the ultimate goal. And to have nothing to do with things.

One of my main goals is to become a sports broadcaster. That is the ultimate for me.

The only consolation I can find in your immediate presence is your ultimate absence.

I just like to act and write and produce. To me, making movies is the ultimate goal.

Usher did the ultimate no-no to me. I will never be with him again, and that is that.

The closer you get to your ultimate customer, the more you learn about your business.

I admire Cate Blanchett as an actor: that's my ultimate goal. To be as good as she is!

Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words.

I think the ultimate compliment that someone can give you is that you're a technician.

Thought is the ultimate tonal. Each thought is like a dike that blocks out the nagual.

With Dad, he was the ultimate wildlife warrior, and we admired him more than anything.

Culture must have its ultimate aim in the metaphysical or it will cease to be culture.

I've always been in love with the stars and view the cosmos as the ultimate adventure.

It is African scholars themselves who will create the ultimate Encyclopaedia Africana.

I thought Sarah Palin was the ultimate expression of comic outrageousness in a person.

Michael Jackson is the ultimate traffic accident. People can't take their eyes off him.

President Hindenburg had ultimate say over whether the government would survive or not.

There is zero, and there is eternity, and there is mortality, but there is no ultimate.

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