There is a certain drop of a type of kundalini when you have sex.

I'm the type of person that if I put it off, I'll forget about it.

I'm not the type that won't drink but I will drink once in awhile.

The idea that any performer type is owed anything is a joke to me.

Tantra does not seek any type of experience, nor does it avoid it.

I think all recent music sucks, and that includes Type O Negative.

Any type of anti-Semitism in any form needs to be soundly rejected.

Until Genevieve I had tended towards the more dramatic type of role

And the music, as far as a type of music, it's still pretty viable.

The most important thing I learned in school was how to touch type.

I've always been the type willing to try a lot of different things.

There are as many types of Butoh as there are Butoh choreographers.

I'm a different type of rapper. I work more than the average rapper.

I'm the type to say a prayer and then go get what I just prayed for.

Natural hydration is a key factor in any type of sports performance.

In or orchestra we have many nationalities, types, and temperaments.

On a good day, I'm a bitter, angry, chip-on-my-shoulder type of guy.

I was just, like, not at all the office type; I was the artist type.

There is no type of miracle that can't happen at least once in golf.

I moved across the country to become an actor, not an academic type.

I'm not a social media, like, Internet type, news and politics type.

The type of human being we prefer reveals the contours of our heart.

This is an Olympic-level type of sport and it needs to be cleaned up.

I also like to eat very much, so I like all different types of foods.

I find that different types of music are good for certain activities.

I'm not the type who'll yell about my achievements from the rooftops.

There are lots of people who are red-carpet types, but that's not me.

What would I do if I knew I only had six months to live? Type faster.

I have always had an abiding interest in that type of female anatomy.

Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type.

Being sexy is all about attitude, not body type. It's a state of mind.

People don't want to be told what type of insurance they have to have.

Certainly, people like Gaga have introduced a new type of hat-wearing.

There are two types of people ... the scrutinizers and the scrutinized

And I'm the type of person, if I ain't wrong, I'm gonna stand on that.

Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.

I kinda go for the Jane Eyre type of film. I am fascinated by classics.

Rock & roll is a type of sensuous music unfit for impressionable minds.

I listen to every type of metal under the sun. I'm not very discerning.

I get a lot of scripts, but they're all for the same type of character.

I love the intellectual type. They know everything and suspect nothing.

For me, Christ has always symbolized the true type of the Jewish martyr.

Fifty years from now I'll be just three inches of type in a record book.

I'm not a huge award type person, that's not really what lights my fire.

I'm the type of person who commits to the fullest to whatever I'm doing.

There has been, is, and always will be every conceivable type of person.

Psychological type is nothing static - it changes in the course of life.

When he was a little kid, he was a fat, spoiled kid. I can tell the type.


Places change all the time, and the type of people who live there change.

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