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Customer service is just a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate type of activity.
I am the type that cannot stay put in living in the past and solely in the past. It's not healthy and it doesn't feel right.
I am of the belief that acting is a form of blended art that shouldn't be restricted to a particular type or even a country.
Nobody's unique. Everybody copies off of each other. Everybody wears the same type of stuff. Nobody's an individual anymore.
I'm still going to sing these songs because trap is a type of music very popular in the streets, and people want to hear it.
Some men don't have the opportunity to be the type of father they need to be, and I hope my example teaches them to step up.
Computers rather frighten me, because I never did learn to type, so the whole thing seems extraordinarily complicated to me.
I can clap really fast. I can beatbox. I can type the alphabet in under 2 seconds. That's probably the one I'm most proud of.
Change is inevitable. Things absolutely cannot stay the same. The type of change we invoke is up to each and every one of us.
I type 40 words per minute on a normal computer with my left foot. And with two cups of coffee, I can do 53 words per minute.
I thought I had a type but I don't really have a type anymore. I just look for a girl who doesn't take herself too seriously.
It would be difficult for me not to conclude that the most perfect type of masculine beauty is Satan, as portrayed by Milton.
I am the type of person who just gets on with whatever life throws at you. I have a 'do first, worry later' kind of attitude.
Madea is a cross between my mother and my aunt. She's the type of grandmother that was on every corner when I was growing up.
Another good rule for social media, I find, is to never type and post. Instead, be sure to type, pause, think, and then post.
I've always been the type of person that has told friends, if they're going through a rough time, I'm always there to talk to.
Fit is everything. I don't care what your body type is like: If you're not wearing clothes that fit you, you can't have style.
I'm just the type of person that realizes that someone is always going to have something to say so I could care less about it.
To put it rather bluntly, I am not the type who wants to go back to the land; I am the type who wants to go back to the hotel.
One of the things I love about shooting the most is that there's no specific body type or body build that someone has to have.
Freedom of a nation cannot be won by solitary acts of heroism though they may be of the true type, never by heroism so called.
Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
I am a grown man who is an entertainer with a specific type of humour and if you don't like it, that's okay, I owe you nothing.
I think of myself as more the non-turn-on type. so when I do get turned on, I don’t trust it, I have to investigate the source.
We believe that many people who already like metal and those who like other genres will be accepting to this new type of metal.
I don't think I'll be playing again. I'm very content and happy, doing the types of things I haven't gotten to do, be a father.
I'm just trying to put my feet into different characters and not play the stereotypical type thing, to let me grow as an actor.
I'm an adventurer and I enjoy all types of things, and eating is a part of that. It's just too bad we have to watch what we eat.
I'm a big believer in freedom and people's rights to express themselves and not have government interfere in that type of thing.
Psychotherapy works, and some types of therapy have been shown to be much more effective than antidepressants over the long run.
I've become more and more comfortable with occasionally dressing sexier, but I still hope to express a 'cool' type of sensuality.
Read. Read. Read. Just don't read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles.
Somebody once asked me what my theory of life was, and I said, 'Don't try.' That fits the writing, too. I don't try; I just type.
The only thing that gets me through any type of pain, emotional or physical, is to make it worthwhile by putting it into my work.
Perhaps I'm just too painstaking a type of person, but I can't grasp much of anything without putting down my thoughts in writing.
I do love playing aristocrats, probably because it's so against type. So much more interesting than playing a version of yourself.
I grew up in a household where both my brothers had Type 1 Diabetes, so I was raised eating healthy food with healthy ingredients.
Cruyff defined a philosophy and a style of how we had to play: positional play, type of players, the profile of the coaches, even.
I'm a classical type of guy. Whatever's out at that point in time, I like it. I just put my own twist on it, and we go from there.
To be a writer is to throw away a great deal, not to be satisfied, to type again, and then again and once more, and over and over.
You never want to hear your name get booed, but it's fine. I'm not going to let it bother me because I know what type of guy I am.
I like to swim a lot, while Stjepan likes to take long walks with girls. He's the very romantic type. Yes, musicians are romantic.
I was always the type of person that whenever I started something I finished it. And, I was always held accountable for my actions.
Yes, I am just a type who likes to watch the cat out of the tree. I want to start quietly, and then always build, always go higher.
Movable type seemed magical to the monks who were illuminating manuscripts and copying texts. Certainly e-books seem magical to me.
Myrnin: ‘Have we been introduced?’ Frank: ‘Probably not. Why, you asking me out, sweetheart?’ Myrnin: ‘You’re not my type, darling.
To me, innovations are the wheel, fire, language, movable type. There are not 3 million innovations; there are 3 million inventions.
I was of the type who gets bullied rather than the one who does the bullying, which I'm glad about. I'd rather be that than a bully.
I guess when I was a kid I wasn't the type of person playing a lot of pranks. I was the type of person upon whom pranks were pulled.
I'm good when I've got a bit of an edge, like the Clint Eastwood type of archetypal character. The tough guy that doesn't say a lot.