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I hardly ever cry because that's just not the type of person I am. But I only break down in front of Yunho at times.
I like the dark, mysterious, maybe even gothic type girls. They have to have a good personality too! I'm very picky!
I get to represent a lot of different types of women because of my ability to transform into these different people.
My agent once said, 'You're not very driven.' And it's true. I'm not the type to ring up and go, 'Get me this part!'
No matter what type of equipment you have, you still have to have a certain talent to be able to make a good record.
If Bitcoin is a better gold or seen as a type of gold-like asset, then it could be in the trillions on a market cap.
I listened to all types of music, and obviously when I got to Seattle I was very much aware of the music scene there.
I still work really hard, but I like to think I'm a little smarter about at least the type of movie I'm getting into.
It's a good news - bad news type of situation. The good news is that we won; the bad news is that my average is 9.00.
Hopefully my music is medicine, some type of antidote for something or some kind of explanation or just to feel good.
I've always been the type of person to make everybody happy and get things done. I want everything to be 100% perfect.
I'm not the type of person that just needs to feel concrete and like nothing's going to change. I revel in the change.
I wish I were the type who could walk into a place and have everybody love me. But I'm not, and there's no use wishing
Being able to take a traditional cable-television subscriber and give them new widget type applications to me is huge.
The cosmetic industry seems to be a wholesale dumping ground for just about every single type of chemical that exists.
Any type of Royal Rumble or battle royal I always look forward to because I usually get to do some pretty cool things.
I consider myself a writer. I don't favour any type of writing. I sometimes wish short stories came more easily to me.
Advertising is the ability to sense, interpret... to put the very heart throbs of a business into type, paper and ink.
Everybody's gone through some kind of struggle in their life, and I'd like to be the type of voice who talks about it.
If you peek behind the curtain at any type of company, you'll see that things are far less organized than you'd expect.
I have a personality type, but it's not like I'm like, 'Oh yeah, short and brunette. That's what I like. All the time.'
I'm 38 years old and Limp Bizkit is just something I do. If I was a painter, it would just be a type of painting I make.
It's important for me to not be put into any type of box because that steals the fun of acting. I want to do everything.
Education for all seems to be the product of a type of distributive justice that is in no way related to the individual.
When communicating results to non-technical types there is nothing better than a clear visualization to make your point.
He said I was the most sensitive person he had ever seen- that I belonged to the hyper-hyper type and we rarely survive!
The threat that ISIL presents and poses to the United States is very different in kind, in type and degree than al Qaeda.
I love horror. It's funny, because 'The Invitation' never struck me as horror, but it's definitely that type of thriller.
I'm not the type of person to act one way in front of the camera and another when it's off. What you see is what you get.
When I'm healthy and competing, I'm just a different type of player. That's the type of player everyone fell in love with.
To play safe, I prefer to accept only one type of power: the power of art over trash, the triumph of magic over the brute.
I started dancing when I was about four, and my mother put me into dancing school, and I did every type of dance there is.
Welcome to freakdom, Dave. It’ll be time to start a Web site soon, where you’ll type out everything in one huge paragraph.
I never want to make one type of music. You wouldn't just eat sushi for the rest of your life - there's so much more food.
I wouldn't want to direct - I think that's a very different job. You have to be a very specific type of person to do that.
I'm not the type to lay out on the beach, but I do love to work out outside, and that can really take a toll on your skin!
To mankind in general Macbeth and Lady Macbeth stand out as the supreme type of all that a host and hostess should not be.
It's not that I don't want a fast car. I like the speed. I'm just not the type of person who finds a sports car a sexy car.
I would never become a big, big model in the commercial sense because I was such a type; you couldn't use me in everything.
I know what it's like to win things. You need a certain type of player with a determination to win. You see it in the eyes.
I'm not really into gothic music, it's not really my type of scene but each to their own. I listen to pretty much anything.
I had a lot of enthusiasms that were very contradictory, I was never very doctrinaire in the type of design I wanted to do.
I am not a photojournalist and certainly not used to the Jason Bourne type stuff that some photographers have to deal with.
We will not stop fighting until every single black life is provided the type of love and support we so desperately deserve.
You can't just watch people type all day, and you can't really show screenshots of code and make it interesting in any way.
It's become hard for me to trust people and though I'm the type to go, 'everybody is born good,' you come to question that.
People say that [i'm a celebrity], but I've only had to sign autographs for "civ-libs" types. And I autograph court orders.
There is in every one of us, even those who seem to be most moderate, a type of desire that is terrible, wild, and lawless.
If your parents ignored you, or if they are just not emotionally available, or if they yell a lot, that is a type of trauma.
I am not the type of person who lets the pressure get to him. I try to see it as my friend. I align with it to calm me down.