The Eternal generates the One. The One generates the Two. The Two generates the Three. The Three generates all things.

There are only two reasons why a woman doesn't pick up her phone. She either likes him too much or hates him too much.

The two basic stories of all times are Cinderella and Jack the Giant Killer-the charm of women and the courage of men.

A tiger only needs three things to be comfortable. Lots of food, sleep, and...actually, no it's just those two things.

Where God is, there is no other. Where world is, there is no God. These two will never unite. Like light and darkness.

Carles Puyol is a Barcelona legend. He could have been playing every two weeks but he has shown dignity until the end.

We have both lost ourselves and created something else, something that exists only as an interlacing of the two of us.

Send 10-TEN!!-people flowers. Today. As "Thank yous" for good things "small"-or even large-done in the last two weeks.

To be a successful father... there's one absolute rule: when you have a kid, don't look at it for the first two years.

As conservatives, we can only be glad if two people legally take responsibility for each other, in good times and bad.

For me optimism is two lovers walking into the sunset arm in arm. Or maybe into the sunrise - whatever appeals to you.

I need to be out earning. I can make more in two hours at a card show than I did [as a minor-league manager] all year.

There's two kinds of dirty - dirty and sewer-dirty. Danny Ferry is sewer-dirty and has been ever since he was at Duke.

To change history is very slow. The first two times I came to the States - black people didn't have the right to vote.

I think there are two ways in which people are controlled - first of all frighten people and secondly demoralize them.

I tried to make a list of films where there's two men and one woman and I realized there's films like this everywhere.

Two sentiments alone suffice for man, were he to live the age of the rocks - love, and the contemplation of the Deity.

If your parents gave you fire to play with when you were two, you'd be standing in fire by the time you were an adult.

Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives.

The best relationships are between two people who care more about each other's good than their own momentary pleasure.

If you put two brigades on the ground right now with U.S. forces, they would push ISIS back into Syria in a heartbeat.

You put two egos together and you've either got a conflict, which is always interesting, or better yet, a love affair.

There are two sayings that are familiar in every news room across the country: 1) sex sells; 2) if it bleeds it leads.

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.

My family is really, really Southern - I had two uncle Bubbas, and grandparents that we called Big Mama and Big Daddy.

There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who alphabetize their record collections, and the kind who don't.

Investors have to ask themselves two questions. How much can we grow our investments? And, can we afford our mistakes?

There are two sayings that are familiar in every news room across the country: 1. sex sells; 2. if it bleeds it leads.

Two or three things I know for sure, and one is that I'd rather go naked than wear the coat the world has made for me.

When I was growing up, there were two things that were unpopular in my house. One was me, and the other was my guitar.

I'm scared of you two in the same place. That's like putting in an order for trouble, rather than just wishing for it.

I feel like I'm long overdue for a "one for me" movie, so I've got two low-budget indy personal things I'm working on.

I do not want two classes of citizens in this country. I want everybody to prosper. That's going to be a top priority.

Two remarkable men -- one young, one old -- fuel each other's spirits in the beautiful documentary Keep On Keepin' On.

American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.

The two fulcra of medicine are reason and observation. Observation is the clue to guide the physician in his thinking.

If only we could live two lives: the first in which to make one's mistakes, and the second in which to profit by them.

If there was a pill that allowed you to drink and not get drunk, an alcoholic would go "What happens if you take two?"

I stop paying attention because as much as I love beauty, I hate stupidity, and seeing the two combined pisses me off.

I always told my team two things: Never expect them to give you anything and always expect them to make the next shot.

The U.S. and Canada are two generous governments and we reach out and partner with anyone who believes in foreign aid.

The key to ministry in any and every context, both now and for the last two thousand years, is missionary flexibility.

When you're playing against a team that has two great central defenders, the best option is to play without a striker.

I've learned that you know your husband still loves you when there are two brownies left and he takes the smaller one.

Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend.

I told you, God is not coy. He's more likely to hit you across the forehead with a two-by-four than whisper in your ear

I've been singing since I was two. Music was my first passion and I love writing, singing, creating and being creative.

If somebody tells you you have ears like a donkey, pay no attention. But if two people tell you, buy yourself a saddle.

We're Jews, my family, and Jews break down into two distinct subcultures: book Jews and money Jews. We were money Jews.

Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives to himself.

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