Acting is one of the two things that give me the most joy. The other thing is travelling. Nothing else matters to me.

I just feel like, if I drink, I want to drink a case of beer and not two beers. Two beers doesn't do anything for me.

I think a story is an attention grabber. I think it's a truth conveyor. Those are two great features of a good story.

There are two worlds: the world where nothing is sacred except money, an the other world, where everything is sacred.

All [tv] shows are like cigarettes. You watch two, you have a higher chance of watching three. They're all addictive.

I might be half Derek's size, but I was the one who sounded like a two-hundred-pound beast plowing through the woods.

The models of adulthood are disappearing fast. How can two people have a new marriage if neither of them is an adult?

As a rock star, I have two instincts, I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.

Two people look at the same Exercise above: One sees "Opportunity Is Nowhere" and one sees "Opportunity Is Now Here."

Two of the saddest words in the English language are, 'What party?' And LA is the 'What party?' capital of the world.

Got seven women on my mind. Four that want to own me, two that want to stone me, and one says she's a friend of mine.

I took part in two 'Leverage' conventions. Fans fly in from as far as Russia and Australia. It's expensive to attend.

Being a father is the greatest achievement and the most important thing about me. I have two great kids, no question.

No two electrons in the same state? That is why atoms are so unnecessarily big, and why metal and stone are so bulky.

There are only two sorts of doctors; those who practise with their brains, and those who practise with their tongues.

The second wife [Trudi Bernstein] - the best part of that union, our two daughters, and that lasted about five years.

There are really only two positions one can take toward anything in life: hope or fear. Hope strengthens, fear kills.

I see a good marriage as being like two tall trees growing beside each other, each nourishing the grace of the other.

In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy.

Real seriousness in regard to writing being one of the two absolute necessities. The other, unfortunately, is talent.

Law school taught me one thing: how to take two situations that are exactly the same and show how they are different.

I would like to become the prime minister, do the job for two years, and then leave and devote myself to public work.

One gains at least two to three times more experience grabbing the tiger by the tail than reading about it in a book.

The same inexpressible Truth is experienced in two ways: as Self-luminous Silence, or as the Eternal Play of the One.

Two times two is twenty-two, four times four is forty-four. When numbers get serious, they leave a mark on your door.

My two sons speak Hebrew, and are familiar with the scriptures and with rabbinic literature. This is the way we live.

I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that.

Though with Bridget Jones's Baby: the Diaries, I'd like to make it clear that I did not ever get pregnant by two men.

There were two saints in the desert, who had sewed thorns into all their clothes; and we seek for nothing but comfort!

Our government is a bird with two right wings... They're devoted to the perpetuation & spread of corporate capitalism.

Where two Greeks are gathered together, there will be at least three political parties represented, and possibly more.

I am the best-natured creature in the world, and yet I have already killed three, and of these three two were priests.

Bad sales managers push two buttons: 'more' and 'panic.' Great sales managers have one more button to push: the 'how'.

We are amphibious creatures, weaponed for two elements, having two sets of faculties, the particular and the catholic.

What people can't possibly imagine is what it's like to have two presidents who have a relationship as father and son.

I nod to a passing stranger, and the stranger nods back, and two human beings go off, feeling a little less anonymous.

I know a lot of people didn't expect our relationship to last - but we've just celebrated our two months' anniversary.

In Nigeria, Hillary Clinton amazingly fought for two years to keep an Al-Qaeda affiliate off the terrorist watch list.

Asia's governments come in two broad varieties: young, fragile democracies - and older, fragile authoritarian regimes.

Oh for God's sake,' Heather said, 'I wish you two would just go out, fail miserably as a couple, and get it over with.

Are we all living like this? Two lives, the ideal outer life and the inner imaginative life where we keep our secrets?

I worry about Rick Perry. One, he's too conservative, Two, his debating skills. And three ... Oh crap, what was three?

Although from you I far must roam, do not be broken hearted. We two, who in the souls are one, are never truly parted.

My season 2 'Good Wife' wrap gift was this deluxe package of Mortal Kombat. I played it for, like, two weeks straight.

Slow motion goes one of two ways. It either makes it look really, really cool, or it makes it look really, really bad.

Anyone who has spent five seconds in my company, or two seconds in my bedroom knows that I am not a white supremacist.

Human beings, from a mathematical perspective, are fairly limited. Two and three dimensions, maybe five, and we're OK.

I will do my best to reduce the price of oil to expand the life span of oil at least for two decades or three decades.

... Variety and the Hollywood Reporter, two publications read more faithfully in Hollywood than the Koran is in Mecca.

Try to be forgotten. Go live in the country. Stay in mourning for two years, then remarry, but choose somebody decent.

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