When two broken people bring their broken pieces together, chances are they will never become a whole anything.

There are two problems in my life. The political ones are insoluble and the economic ones are incomprehensible.

Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.

You only have to bat 1.000 in two things-flying and heart transplants. Everything else, you can go four in five.

No discussion between two persons can be of any use, until each knows clearly what it is that the other asserts.

The two things that scare me most about wrestling fans is that they're allowed to vote and allowed to reproduce.

Canada is said to have got its name from the two Spanish words aca and nada, signifying 'there is nothing here.'

In magic, it takes two or three years for me to create a 5-minute illusion for me to get it to the level I want.

I've been passionate about two things in my life. One was Christina Alibrandi. The other is Josephine Alibrandi.

My whole soul rebels against the idea that Hinduism and Islam represent two antagonistic cultures and doctrines.

We live in a dominant culture of ceaseless Departure and Progress that has so far lasted two or three centuries.

There are two things that won't last long in this world, and that's dogs chasing cars and pros putting for pars.

All the keys to joy can be reduced to these two. Laugh but at no one's expense and love but without expectation.

I remember enjoying writing those, theres two clues of a gift: you enjoy doing it and people enjoy you doing it.

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.

In the Middle East there are two kinds of regimes - those that could be worse, and those that couldn't be worse.

The two basic topics which fascinate me are 'What is reality?' and 'What constitutes the authentic human being?'

The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.

A woman's education consists of two lessons: never leave the house without stocking, never go out without a hat.

There are two kinds of Arctic problems, the imaginary and the real. Of the two, the imaginary are the most real.

There are two classes of human beings in this world: one class seem made to give love, and the other to take it.

I envy animals for two things - their ignorance of evil to come, and their ignorance of what is said about them.

Penny said two words, the second of which was "you." Caine laughed. "I think you meant '---- you, Your Highness.

I think that passion if really intense is always destructive if not to the two involved, always to other people.

You could start a fire with the heat between you two. You're mistaking bitter animosity for heartfelt affection.

If you have two loaves of bread, keep one to nourish the body, but sell the other to buy hyacinths for the soul.

Nyquil comes in two colors, red and green, and it's the only thing on the planet that tastes like red and green.

When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.

Marriage is like a temple resting on two pillars. If they come too close to each other the temple will collapse.

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

There are two gods in this universe: God and Imagination. Both of them can design and create infinite creations.

I print giclees for artists and photographers for a livelihood. My original idea was to somehow combine the two.

Good evening everybody, my name is Robbie Williams, this is my band and for the next two hours YOUR ASS IS MINE!

Two sorts of peace are more to be dreaded than all the troubles in the world — peace with sin, and peace in sin.

There are but two ways of paying debt: Increase of industry in raising income, increase of thrift in laying out.

Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.

Men are liars. We'll lie about lying if we have to. I'm an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive.

There are two things that interest me: the relation of people to each other, and the relation of people to land.

It is your enemies who keep you straight. For real use one active, sneering enemy is worth two ordinary friends.

Whatever is newly expensive has two attributes: wonderful past returns and, in most cases, lousy future returns.

I'm always writing new songs and doing them live, and I may do it for a week or two, and then never do it again.

There are only two ways to establish competitive advantage: do things better than others or do them differently.

It was kind of easier for me to do records that didn't take a year or two years of my life to write and to make.

In two months Joseph Kennedy had taken over my entire life, and I trusted him implicitly to make the most of it.

There are only two classes in society: those who get more than they earn, and those who earn more than they get.

I learned the value of focus. I learned it is better to do one product well than two products in a mediocre way.

If UEFA will not embrace video technology, then we need two more officials behind the goals to help the referee.

Life is a tightrope between two errors: generalizing the wrong particular and particularizing the wrong general.

Anyone who turns love between two consenting adults into a negative, doesn't understand the meaning of the word.

Hurricane Sandy was one of the most vicious storm systems to hit the New York City area in nearly two centuries.

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