You did not bring down two of the royal guard in an unceremonious heap because the woman in the middle tripped.

I regard these people who are peddling angst and peddling pessimism and all that stuff as so 'two minutes ago'.

In the early part of your career you are always compared with somebody until you can stand on your own two feet

Nothing indicates the soundness of a man's judgment so much as knowing how to choose between two disadvantages.

I was never satisfied with casual encounters, I can't hide my need for two hearts that bleed with burning love.

Fairway: a narrow strip of mown grass that separates two groups of golfers looking for lost balls in the rough.

It makes a difference when you've got more than two months versus two weeks to train for a particular opponent.

That's always good when you can bring out two sets of fans and supporters and then kinda cross them in between.

I think we ought to have a new rule: You can ask two questions, and then we can pick the one we want to answer.

I've spent a bit of time with the Prince of Wales, who I respect greatly. I'd give two cheers for the Monarchy.

If you organise a dinner party, and two guests cancel, it is still a dinner party: you still get to eat dinner.

Johnny once described our relationship by saying we were as close as two people could be without being married.

Do people in the Ku Klux Klan who die and come back as ghosts have to wear two sheets when attending the rally?

You won't shoot nine under unless you birdie the first two or three holes. You just start firing at everything.

Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.

I am very good with dialects, but the two that I can't do for some reason are the South African and Australian.

I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.

Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something.

You meet new people. We just spent two hours with people we didn't know before, just talking about the Badgers.

I have two lives, and all the problems I might have, I feel like I drop them once I step on to the match court.

There are two ways to improve your service, and yourself: maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

A rabbi told me that when you have two problems - one near, one not so near - concentrate on the immediate one.

Marriage is like a row boat: it fits two, it doesn't work on auto-pilot and it's very difficult to have sex in.

Most of my videos consist of fragments, one or two minutes long. They are haikus or sketches. I have thousands.

I learned quite early on in life that we are all two people. And one of those people none of us will ever know.

Scarcely two hundred years back can Fame recollect articulately at all; and there she but maunders and mumbles.

I think I benefited from being equal parts ambitious and curious. And of the two, curiosity has served me best.

I want to show off how beautiful my subjects are, whether its a cheetah or a live girl or two of them together.

The president's dead, no one can find his head, its been missing for two weeks. But no one seemed to notice it.

I had written two cookbooks, and they had done well, but I wanted to move to fitness, because it's big with me.

No one, but no one, ever behaves 'well' in bed unless they love or are loved - two conditions seldom fulfilled.

I've never sued anybody, though there have been one or two occasions I've wanted to strangle one or two people.

For Star Wars, they had me tape down my breasts because there are no breasts in space. I have some. I have two.

Obama passes Obamacare, the Tea Party comes into existence over two things: this out of control Obama spending.

When I was first diagnosed with ALS, I was given two years to live. Now 45 years later, I am doing pretty well.

One thing is sure, there are just two respectable ways to die. One is of old age, and the other is by accident.

My fondness for extended monologue might have been encouraged by two decades of writing stage and radio dramas.

No two men are absolutely alike, not even twins, yet there is much that is indispensably common to all mankind.

There's only two things you can start without a plan: a riot and a family, for everything else you need a plan.

When the lie and the truth are two trenchant weapons, they are at the risk of becoming downright uncertainties.

There are only two things that the liberals don't understand: the things that change and the things that don't.

I am happiest when I am with my wife, Susi, and our two boys exploring and loving something for the first time.

The problem with putting two and two together is that sometimes you get four, and sometimes you get twenty-two.

Jesus, are all vampires over two hundred perverts?" "I am over two hundred," Jean-Claude said. "I rest my case.

If two people loved, they slept together; it was a mathematical formula, tested and proved by human experience.

I have to thank my mum for kicking me out at 16 and making me stand on my own two feet - that's how I got here.

Religion and philosophy, philosophy and religion - they're two words which are both ... different. In spelling.

I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It's not. Mine had me trained in two days.

Yesterday and tomorrow cross and mix on the skyline. The two are lost in a purple haze. One forgets, one waits.

Marriage always demands the greatest understanding of the art of insincerity possible between two human beings.

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