There are only two hard things in photography; which way to point the camera and when to release the shutter.

Don't ever spend more than three weeks apart. Two and a half weeks, maybe three, was the longest we ever did.

I might have enjoyed the company of a woman or two... Or three but that had never stopped me from loving you.

If you can't find your inspiration by walking around the block one time, go around two times-but never three.

If you know two languages, the level of your intelligence is multiplied a hundredfold in other people's eyes.

All chronic and degenerative diseases are caused by two and only two major problems, toxicity and deficiency.

The technique of infamy is to start two lies at once and get people arguing heatedly over which is the truth.

I have one talent, and that's figuring out what people want about two minutes before they know it themselves.

One can paint with two colors, and draw with one. Three, or four at most, have for centuries been enough men.

What has three heads, six arms, and half a brain?" Three asked. One and Two answered in unison. "Nate Sutter.

It was my first time in Kansas City. In about two or three days I had a gig at a place called The Monroe Inn.

Science and religion are the two most powerful forces in the world. Having them at odds... is not productive.

Almost every thing, especially of governmental policy, is an inseparable compound of the two [good and evil].

Aaah ... when two Neptunes appear in the sky it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born, Harry.

John Kenneth Galbraith and Marshall McLuhan are the two greatest modern Canadians that the U.S. has produced.

The right way usually lies between two extremes: it is the narrow channel between the rock and the whirlpool.

Vladimir Nabokov said the two great evils of the 20th century were Marx and Freud. He was absolutely correct.

Yet somehow the thing that startled me most, after a week or two had passed, was that I had in fact survived.

Whether or not we have hope depends on two dimensions of our explanatory style; pervasiveness and permanence.

I met a girl and we ran away, I swore I'd make her happy every day. And how I made her cry, two faces have I.

Here's the point to be made - there are no synonyms. There are no two words that mean exactly the same thing.

Being on TV and getting everything paid for are the two reasons to do it with us instead of the court of law.

In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men.

The Chili Peppers have a real strict two-week on/two-week off policy - aside from me, everybody has families.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning could write a poem two pages long. Could she have brought it to a music publisher?

I want us to do more to help small business. That's where two- thirds of the new jobs are going to come from.

Two things that are not long for this world: dogs that chase cars and professional golfers who putt for pars.

Writing is a fine thing, because it combines the two pleasures of talking to yourself and talking to a crowd.

You two are cracked," Tod snapped. My smile widened. "Says the undead man in love with the soulless pop star.

Trust in God for great things. With your five loaves and two fishes He will show you a way to feed thousands.

If you’re not hearing the music of the gospel in your home, please remember these two words: keep practicing.

Umpiring is best described as the profession of standing between two seven-year olds with one ice cream cone.

I was a mailman walking in the snow six days a week, 12-hour days. Every two weeks, I'd get a check for $228.

It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for - the whole thing - rather than just one or two stars.

It could be thousands of people or just two, but I can't hide behind anything when I am singing my own songs.

What do you call it when two people have intense shared history? when nothing can separate them? Soul Sisters

We've gotta give Richard Williams a lot of credit - to give us two number one champions is a phenomenal feat.

My voice is still for war. Gods! can a Roman senate long debate Which of the two to choose, slavery or death?

Floor exercise, the longest you run is two or three steps. In the vault, it's not a whole lot more than that.

Expanding your notion of fun beyond a two-week vacation in Maui increases the chances you'll have more of it.

Only two things are real to me: my love and my death. In between them, I merely exist as a scatter of senses.

When the male organ of a man stands erect, two thirds of his intelect go away. And one third of his religion.

Number one, [Hillary Clinton] is weak. Number two, she has a hair trigger and it's just the opposite with me.

I know only two words of American slang, 'swell' and 'lousy'. I think 'swell' is lousy, but 'lousy' is swell.

You can learn more by going to the opera than you ever can by reading Emerson. Like that there are two sexes.

Good characters the reader cares about combined with an intriguing plot. Do those two and you've got it made.

By drawing or exposing two or more patterns on the same bit of film I can create harmony and textual effects.

When people ask me what on earth I want to keep two cats for I tell them I keep them to do my resting for me.

By the time I came to L.A. I'd already cried on movies of the week with two of the women from 'Knots Landing'.

If I meet my ideal woman, I want to get married straight away. And start making a world of just the two of us.

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