It became clear when I got in my car that Persians are only really good for two things. Oil and hummus.

To man, faith; to woman, doubt. She bears the heavier burden. Does not woman invariably suffer for two?

We landed, in fact, parallel to a canal, like there were two runways: one for us and one for waterfowl.

Two peanuts walk into a rather rough bar, not looking for any trouble. Unfortunately, one was a salted.

Two thousand people a day were being murdered in Vietnam in a terrorist war, an official terrorist war.

Ron Powlus will win the Heisman two times and be the greatest quarterback in the history of Notre Dame.

Because I just loved to spend two years of my life in the company of Andy Kaufman and other characters.

There are many stressed single parents who may be working two jobs in order to keep the family together.

You can count on time for two things. One is that it will pass. The other is that it will never shut up.

Marriage is just an elaborate game that allows two selfish people to periodically feel that they're not.

There are two infinities that confuse me: the one in my soul devours me; the one around me will crush me

Senator Kerry says he sees two Americas. It makes the whole thing mutual - America sees two John Kerrys.

I am a Gemini and can adapt to most atmospheres. You get two for the price of one when you are a Gemini.

Companies that get in trouble have a failure to see two realities: market trends and competitor attacks.

What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul. Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

I have served the Liberal cause for twenty-two years. That ought to be long enough for anyones lifetime.

Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of the world's assets.

Come, come, come. Without a monster or two it's not a quest, merely a gaggle of friends wandering about.

I race in two or three classic races a year and I may carry on for 10 more years or I may stop tomorrow.

Hey now, none of that. You know I don't have one evil bone in my body. Only two hundred and six of them?

It's a good thing I've got to live with you two or I'd be putting this on YouTube later. And mocking you

If you want to be original just try being yourself, because God has never made two people exactly alike.

Two weeks, maybe three. You never know with psychosomatic injuries You have to take your time with them.

But those two plays left me on fresh terms with language. I didn't always have to speak in my own voice.

Cars and cameras are the two things I let myself be materialistic about. I don't care about other stuff.

In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines 74 lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.

I'm not going to watch two TV shows with vaginas in them unless somebody tells me why they're different!

There are two kinds of hangover: in one you feel ill and incapable, in the other you feel ill and lucid.

I came to England in 1962 as a very young bride, in my teens, hoping just to stay two years and go back.

I love kids, so two things that I have thought about are being a pediatrician or a kindergarten teacher.

I don't want to die ... I don't want to die poor. Two great motivators in the history of human cultures.

Every family should have at least three children. Then if one is a genius the other two can support him.

By the way, I saved Moiraine. Chew on that as you try to decide which of the two of us is winning." -Mat

When you're one step ahead of the crowd you're a genius. When you're two steps ahead, you're a crackpot.

There are two kinds of faith. There is the natural faith. But the supernatural faith is the gift of God.

We've got to look toward two years from now [January 2017] to at least provide some balance in congress.

Like all wage slaves, he had two crosses to bear: the people he worked for and the people he worked with

I'm either shooting nine grams of coke a day or spending two hours at the gym. There's no middle ground.

You have two choices when someone changes your work. You can either wash your hands of it or embrace it.

Your life on earth will be, as always, the interval between two significant glances in a mundane mirror.

Without secrecy there would be no pornography. But secrecy and modesty are two utterly different things.

I'm the most out-of-work actor I know. In the last two years I've basically taken meetings for a living.

The book [The Dissemblers] officially came out two weeks after my thirtieth I still young?

Often a purple patch or two is tacked on to a serious work of high promise, to give an effect of colour.

I studied voice for about two years with an amazing coach, and I never rose above the level of mediocre.

I don't like two stories. I like one story. I never grew up with stairs. I like to stick to what I know.

Put a man and a girl on stage and there is already a story; a man and two girls, there's already a plot.

The real Michael Jackson that has not been seen... with children, one in diapers, the other two toddlers

I love driving, but I like driving on a two lane road where you can drive for hours and not see anybody.

It is well known that, when two authors meet, they at once start talking about money-like everyone else.

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