Reality has actually very little to do with truth; there is no necessary connection between the two.

I don't know what I'm going to be doing in two years or even in two weeks. I have to live for today.

I managed to slip two children out in the middle of my career and have been lucky with all the work.

The Yankees have better starting pitchers than Arizona. Arizona just has two... the Yanks have four.

You're just a little too hip for the room. It's not good to be too hip because two hips make an ass.

People never understood that there was Brian and The Boz. They were two completely different people.

There are two types of people in this world: Gypsy and Gadge. Which one am I? Neither. I'm a writer.

I flew on Air Force Two for eight years, and now I have to take off my shoes to get on an aeroplane.

I have two skateboards, but I don't get to use them much. I have a snowboard, which I've never used.

I made two movies before The Police had a hit record: I did Quadrophenia and a film called Radio On.

When two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.

Luckily you cannot get to the Golden Triangle in a bus. You can only access it on your own two feet!

When you ask one friend to dine, Give him your best wine! When you ask two, The second best will do!

Trust is a two way street. If your government does not trust you, how can you trust your government?

Let me sum up in two words how the unhinged Left copes with the threat of global jihad: "Kill Bush!"

President Obama is going to take two weeks to unwind, as opposed to President Bush, who never wound.

Each human being was given two possibilities: action and contemplation. Both lead to the same place.

Love's lengthways splits the heart in two - the heart where you are, the heart where you want to be.

A poem is a window that hangs between two or more human beings who otherwise live in darkened rooms.

Any two public institutions appealing to the same set of people are apt to appeal in the same terms.

My notion of a wife at 40 is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two 20s.

When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.

If Donald Trump loses badly, it could mean the end of the GOP as one of the two significant parties.

Weak minds sink under prosperity as well as adversity; but strong and deep ones have two high tides.

No marriage can survive without forgiveness. Marriage is a long term commitment between two sinners.

A profound love between two people involves, after all, the power and chance of doing profound hurt.

But to admire a strong person and to live under that strong person’s thumb are two different things.

Under all conditions, well-organized violence seems to him the shortest distance between two points.

I would rather obey a fine lion, much stronger than myself, than two hundred rats of my own species.

It's very typical that when two people are having lunch, they put a phone on the table between them.

And she's got brains enough for two, which is the exact quantity the girl who marries you will need.

If you want creativity, take a zero off your budget. If you want sustainability, take off two zeros.

Marriage works best for men than women. The two happiest groups are married men and unmarried women.

Of two men who have no experience of God, he who denies him is perhaps nearer to him than the other.

The two men eyed each other. Assessing strengths. Looking for weaknesses. Measuring dicks once again

[On plastic surgery:] When I die, God won't know me. There are no two parts of my body the same age.

All great economists are tall. There are two exceptions: John Kenneth Galbraith and Milton Friedman.

I guess I do carry a bit of male energy. It's like what I always say - two yangs don't make a right.

There is no daily chore so trivial that it cannot be made important by skipping it two days running.

I'd known enough people for every minute of the day, and yet still didn't have anyone as my two a.m.

A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.

I think there were two great gay Americans obviously, and that was Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman.

A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.

Not everyone understands how you can spin two lassos at the same time, one of hope and one of grief.

There are only two colors to paint a boat, black or white, and only a fool would paint a boat black.

I tell ya, it's tough to save a buck. Right now I'm supporting two fighters. My wife and her mother.

We fit, you and I,” he whispered looking into that haunting gaze. “Two broken pieces making a whole.

The march of good fortune has backward slips: to retreat one or two paces gives wings to the jumper.

Leaders come in two flavors, expanders and containers. The best leadership teams have a mix of both.

Order and surprise: these are two intertwined elements that make for any great library or collection.

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