If I'm over a song two weeks after I made it, I'm not going to put it out. It has to last months.

Ohio is one of only two states that have a minimum wage below the federal level of $5.15 an hour.

There are two things we cannot do alone. One is to be married and the other is to be a Christian.

Science is a combination of theory and experiment and the two together are how you make progress.

There are two things in ordinary conversation which ordinary people dislike - information and wit

Painting does what we cannot do—it brings a three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional plane.

Maybe you are a poet and a dreamer, but don't you realize that those two species are extinct now?

Are you two having some sort of strange human thing that you can’t follow what I’m saying? (Simi)

Oh, the frontier of hell and heaven is only the difference between two ways of looking at things.

After hitting two balls into the water- By God, I've got a good mind to jump in and make it four.

But because two can play at this game, I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. Right on his bruise.

I probably have become more infamous from two misdemeanors than probably anyone I could think of.

There have been two great revelations in my life: The first was bepop, the second was homeopathy.

Two things I recognize, O Lord, in myself: Nature, which Thou hast made; Sin, which I have added.

A secret needs two faces to bounce between; a secret needs to see itself in another pair of eyes.

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.

I technically have two last names, which is a lot of fun when you're making airline reservations.

We live between two dense clouds; the forgetting of what was and the uncertainty of what will be.

The only thing that can combat fear is action. And there's two actions. There's fight and flight.

At the beginning and at the end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone.

There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.

I've had bad luck in my two previous marriages. The first wife left me, and the second did not. ­

I always tell people I'm running against two Democrats, one that admits it and one that does not.

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.

I have been surrounded by love letters you two have built each other for years, encased in tents.

The only way two ever live more cheaply than one is if one of them gives up what he or she wants.

High office, is like a pyramid; only two kinds of animals reach the summit — reptiles and eagles.

Ninety-two percent of the stuff told you in confidence you couldn't get anyone else to listen to.

Normally when it hits two and a half, three hours, the audience gets exhausted and start yawning.

I was between 2 and 3 in the world for two, three years. That's not exactly where I wanted to be.

I've always understood the two to be intertwined: sexuality and spirituality. That never changed.

Debbie Gibson is pregnant with my two headed love child, it's a big foot baby all covered in fur.

In revolution there are only two sorts of men, those who cause them and those who profit by them.

You don't know what pressure is until you play for five bucks with only two bucks in your pocket.

At the bottom of every frozen heart there is a drop or two of love―just enough to feed the birds.

Most of us have only two or three genuinely interesting moments in our lives; the rest is filler.

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

If you have two shirts in your closet, one belongs to you and the other to the man with no shirt.

The 'creator' and the 'editor' - two halves of the writer whole - should sleep in separate rooms.

I have two sons in America, and all they care about in Chinese culture is Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

The two best predictors of early reading success are alphabet recognition and phonemic awareness.

I have discovered the dance. I have discovered the art which has been lost for two thousand years

I ate two waffles, a banana and cereal with blueberries. And that whas between my two breakfasts.

I am the only man who can say he's been in Take That and at least two members of the Spice Girls.

New Zealand's taken some very significant decisions in relation to defence in the last two years.

There are three things that smell of fish. One of them is fish. The other two are growing on you!

A blush is no language; only a dubious flag - signal which may mean either of two contradictories

Two young, fit, healthy attractive people in love? There’s nothing worse to look at in the world.

To my mind, the two most fascinating subjects in the universe are sex and the eighteenth century.

To dispose of a two-headed Org, jump up and down three times, roll a head of cabbage, and giggle!

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