Once fear enters your life - it will take you in one of two directions: empowerment or panic.

We have two hundred languages in Europe. Two hundred languages! Count them! I know you won't!

I like a good story and I also like staring at the sea-- do I have to choose between the two?

Two-thirds of earth's surface is ocean, and all we can see with the naked eye is the surface.

I took two important phone calls while in the shower today because I'm a goddam professional.

Elend: I kind of lost track of time… Breeze: For two hours? Elend: There were books involved.

There are two things in the painter, the eye and the mind; each of them should aid the other.

In fact, we started off with two or three different shells and the shell had life of its own.

[When asked how many husbands she'd had:] Two of my own, my dear, and several of my friends'.

There are two kinds of editors, those who correct your copy and those who say it's wonderful.

There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.

I'm an office manager for Office Max. I have two daughters. I'm married. I have a normal Job.

There are two completely different Britains. There's London, and there's the rest of Britain.

When you write the story of two happy lovers, let the story be set on the banks of Lake Como.

There are two things that make a room timeless: a sense of history and a piece of the future.

Basically we are chimpanzees with about two percent more intelligence and a little less hair.

There are only two kinds of coaches - those who have been fired, and those who will be fired.

When it came down to technical skill and ability of the two teams, Croatia were far superior.

Relationship is an art. The dream that two people create is more difficult to master than one.

I think love and friends are two things that you don't chase. True love and true friends come.

The only two questions that need to be asked each day are: Did I live wisely? Did I love well?

I was determined that no British government should be brought down by the action of two tarts.

Two elements of successful leadership: a willingness to be wrong and an eagerness to admit it.

Education and the workforce: I think these two things go together in terms of human potential.

How do we know for sure that no two snowflakes are the same - we haven't got anybody watching.

On the same bill and on the same side of it there should not be two charges for the same thing

In acting there's two different things: You're either pitching in a scene, or you're catching.

THERE ARE TWO THINGS that don't have to mean anything, one is music and the other is laughter.

In journalism, there are only two stories - "Oh, the wonder of it," and "Oh, the shame of it."

Wisdom we know is the knowledge of good and evil - not the strength to choose between the two.

There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why.

I don't have to shoot from more than two feet. I'm top 50. I've got 23,000 from where I shoot.

There are two kinds of friendship: one is genuine affection, the other is inability to refuse.

There must be a day or two in a man's life when he is the precise age for something important.

We two [Deucalion and Pyrrha, after the deluge] form a multitude. [Lat., Nos duo turba sumus.]

If you do two versions of a film, they should be identical. With the same frames and settings.

Ninety-seven saint days a year wouldn't affect the theater, but two Yom Kippurs would ruin it.

Every linguistic sign is located on two axes: the axis of simultaneity and that of succession.

If I work on a movie for two months, I should be able to dance on as many tables as I want to.

If I had only three years to serve the Lord, I would spend two of them studying and preparing.

I had two experiences of criminality: one was my conman father, the other was teaching at Eton

I probably get strangers coming up to me two or three times a week to just say something nice.

There are two persons in the world we never see as they are,--one's self and one's other self.

Without Sufism, Islam would not have spread into two thirds of what we call the Islamic world.

Two ways of thinking: Human kingdom and human cleverness or God's kingdom and God's cleverness

I find it very difficult to be two different characters at the same time - actress and mother.

I've tried writing. Two days later I'd go visit it and say, Jesus Christ, who wrote this crap?

If my forgeries looked as bad as the CBS documents, it would have been "Catch Me In Two Days."

I don't think it's natural for two people to swear to be together for the rest of their lives.

There are two ways to get rid of an anxiety monster,my friend-you either have a bath or a nap.

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