There are two ways of disliking poetry, one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope.

Encouragement and hope are the two most powerful qualities any person can provide to others.

It's easy, of course, for two teams to collude, but somewhat more difficult for twenty-eight

Sometimes we feel we straddle two cultures; at other times, that we fall between two stools.

If every school would hire two more music teachers, we would need two fewer police officers.

I'd turn and run but I'm anchored by two dudes that could hold the Titanic during a tsunami.

Ulysses was not comely, but he was eloquent, Yet he fired two goddesses of the sea with love

I did not fail two thousand times. I merely found two thousand ways not to make a lightbulb.

A few hours of mountain climbing make a blackguard and a saint two rather similar creatures.

My mother's five foot two and, I'll be honest with you, she's the only person I'm scared of.

On the issue of abortion, I'm ever on the fence, or, at most, an inch or two to either side.

About two months into the Whisky, I borrowed some money and rented a remote recording truck.

How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?

Sex is one of the three best things out there, and I don't even know what the other two are.

Evolution is one of the two or three most primally fascinating subjects in all the sciences.

The present situation in physics is as if we know chess, but we don't know one or two rules.

There are two kinds of politics in the world: the politics of love and the politics of fear.

In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.

Life will be simpler when I don't spend two-thirds of the year in the middle of the Pacific.

Michael and I talk at least every two weeks. He understands why I've done the things I have.

There are two things which Man cannot look at directly without flinching: the sun and death.

Well, a peach has a lovely taste and so does a mushroom, but you can't put the two together.

A woman too often reasons from her heart; hence two-thirds of her mistakes and her troubles.

When you're up against an electric band like that, it's like you're on two separate planets.

I demanded two weeks of rehearsal because to me as an actor, that's the most important time.

There are two ways of lying. One, not telling the truth and the other, making up statistics.

Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can't hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.

There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.

I have four kids. They are two years apart, and contraception has been very, very good to me.

Pulse as an active means of expression, Stravinsky and Beethoven are the two masters of that.

There are, of course, two kinds of suffering, that which has a reward and that which doesn't.

After you're older, two things are possibly more important than any others: health and money.

It takes two people to make a lie work: the person who tells it, and the one who believes it.

A shot that goes in the cup is pure luck, but a shot to within two feet of the flag is skill.

Those who minister to poverty and disease are accomplices in the two worst of all the crimes.

The logic of validation allows us to move between the two limits of dogmatism and skepticism.

There are two types of computer languages; those that people hate and those that nobody uses.

We had two grand antique professors who had been teaching at Lombard since before I was born.

One begins with two people on a stage, and one of them had better say something pretty quick.

In two opposite opinions, if one be perfectly reasonable, the other can't be perfectly right.

This knot of nature is so well tied that nobody was ever cunning enough to find the two ends.

It takes two people to make you, and one people to die. That's how the world is going to end.

Trust and belief are two prime considerations. You must not allow yourself to be opinionated.

One life; a little gleam of Time between two Eternities; no second chance to us for evermore!

A meaningful relationship between two people cannot sustain itself only in the present tense.

You put together two things that have not been put together before. And the world is changed.

If you have spent two years in bed trying to wiggle your big toe, everything else seems easy.

I like that 3D is based on the fact that you look with two eyes, so two cameras imitate that.

I spent two yours of my life being anorexic, but I would never dream of throwing up - my God!

I had stories that needed more space than the hour and a half or two hours a movie gives you.

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