To me, the art of movies is to take a two-dimensional image and give the illusion of depth.

Do you want to live happily? Travel with two bags, one for giving, the other for receiving.

There may be peace without joy, and joy without peace, but the two combined make happiness.

There are two kinds of secrets: those we keep from others and those we hide from ourselves.

Our world has always had two kinds of changers, the social changers and the money changers.

All invention and progress comes from finding a link between two ideas that have never met.

I love Spain. I go back two or three times a year usually to visit friends and ride horses.

At eighty-two, I feel like a twenty-year-old, but, unfortunately, there's never one around.

There are two kind of mathematicians, smart ones, and dumb ones. I am one of the dumb ones.

God is love, and His law is love. Its two great principles are love to God and love to man.

I knew two things from my father: keep working hard, stay humble, and someday you'll be OK.

My best takes aren't necessarily take five or take six. My best takes are usually take two.

Two points that are very important points to remember and ask: Is it real and does it work?

Look, let me put it this way: with me, you’re number one and there isn’t even a number two.

To have a choice at all is to be free - even when the choice is between two terrible things.

What the public expects and what is healthy for an individual are two very different things.

I have two kids now and through watching them, I keep having flashbacks to my own childhood.

Two things in India are religion - one is cricket, and one is movies - these are two things.

There are words and there are feelings and somewhere between where the two meet is the truth

When mind and action are separate, zen is lost. We keep the two in sync by paying attention.

Your words bring me joy. Let the two of us unite to bring forth a world of peace and virtue.

I was able to do The Saint of Fort Washington, on the relationship between two homeless men.

There are two rules for achieving anything. Rule No. 1: Get started. Rule No. 2: Keep going.

If all the world is a stage and life is just a play upon it, get me two seats in the stalls.

Sometimes I think there are two kinds of people - the autobiographists and the biographists.

Well, I got married about two and a half years ago, and that's been a big change in my life.

What I love doing is basically two things: I love flying airplanes and I love communication.

To sing opera, one needs two things: the voice and the passion - and above all, the passion.

As I see it every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.

There are only two things to remember. Number one...Don't Stop, and number two...Keep Going!

I have to wear two sports bras when I do my cardio. It takes a lot to hold these puppies up!

The two men stared at each other. Assumptions were made, judgments rendered, dicks measured.

How is love between two people a sin? Love isn't about gender; it's about two souls uniting.

In the end, no thought is unthinkable, no problem unshrinkable, no two strangers unlinkable.

When a man leaves his mistress, he runs the risk of being betrayed two or three times daily.

Fort Leavenworth is in fact no fort, being without defensive works, except two block-houses.

Micing it from two different angles in front of the speaker sounds huge, and it's so simple.

An artist is someone who can hold two opposing viewpoints and still remain fully functional.

From my point of view, humour and irony include tragedy; they're two sides of the same coin.

There are only two questions about government. How much do you want? How much can you stand?

Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together

There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.

Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it takes two wholes.

I love the Potter films. I found them the most wonderful sort of escapism every year or two.

There are two kinds of individuals on Planet Earth who do not have beards - women and youth.

Indeed, man has two different beings inside him. What devil thought of that malicious touch?

He (Don Drysdale) talks very well for a guy who's had two fingers in his mouth all his life.

Children have two visions, the inner and the outer. Of the two the inner vision is brighter.

I try to make two movies a year. To me, that's not too much. On top of that, I like to work.

That is to be two and to be but one. A man and a woman mingled into one angel. It is heaven.

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