Small business is where jobs come from. Two-thirds of our jobs come from small businesses.

and the two of them loved each other for a long time in silence without making love again.

Remember this: you can have justice, or you can have two dollars. But you can t have both.

I'm doing a little consulting. I'm somewhat retired, still a director of a company or two.

B is for Breasts Of which ladies have two; Once prized for the function, Now for the view.

Romance is about love. It's about two people sharing intimate moments expressing that love

Just getting to first base seems to be a problem for you two," Cam couldn't resist saying.

There they were sitting at the bar, these two Luscious babes, and they were Siamese twins.

If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: Governments lie.

The sun and its light, the ocean and the wave, the singer and his song — not one. Not two.

If I hadn't learned to lay on a two-hander once in a while, I'd never have left Flin Flon.

His leaving had been like snipping off the end of a rope - leaving two unraveling strands.

For me, if I attack two or three times but didn't get the point, then I would get nervous.

To be a preacher requires two apparently contradictory qualities: confidence and humility.

Don't ever confuse the two, your life and your work. The second is only part of the first.

We lived within two hundred yards of the sea, and its voice was in our ears night and day.

There are a lot of actors out there who've made one or two films and who never work again.

You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the ones you create.

Twenty-two suicides a day from our veterans. Do you believe that number? Twenty-two a day.

In order to win you must be prepared to lose sometime. And leave one or two cards showing.

There comes a moment when the silence between two people can have the purity of a diamond.

There are two obstacles to enlightenment: 1. Thinking you know. 2 Thinking you don't know.

The Church is a house with a hundred gates: and no two men enter at exactly the same angle

It takes two sides to make a deal, two sides to negotiate and two sides to make it go bad.

If two people are able to communicate their feelings without words you know it's true love

Of two evils, the lesser must always be chosen De duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum

I was so lucky to walk away with two Super Bowls and know that the last year was positive.

Whatever it is, it feels like it's laughing at me Through the glass of a two-sided mirror.

I had only been a citizen for two weeks when I received a summons to appear for jury duty!

The love of your life won't be the man you end up with, and you'll always compare the two.

Experience and enthusiasm are two fine business attributes seldom found in one individual.

Here then - the after math of meaning. A liftime finished between the space of two frames.

The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out and round again.

In philosophy, as in politics, the longest distance between two points is a straight line.

Every nation needs two wings to fly. Any bird torn at the wings will never soar the skies.

I always get very fit if I'm going away filming for two months in Afghanistan or wherever.

In the past, two colleagues died each season. It was generally accepted this could happen.

Love not only prefers the good of another to my own, but it does not even compare the two.

... for the top twenty most valuable YC companies, all of them have at least two founders.

It has been said that civilization is twenty-four hours and two meals away from barbarism.

Two there are who are never satisfied -- the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge.

I lead two totally separate lives. There are times when I have to slip into rock star mode.

The principle that light can be in two places at the same time is absolutely extraordinary.

Bad quarrels come when two people are wrong. Worse quarrels come when two people are right.

Or. I hate that word. It’s two letters long and stuffed to the gills with reasonable doubt.

Nothing. I was confused for two years. I didn't understand anything and I'm still confused.

Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.

Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there.

Love is not lust. The two (love and lust) are poles apart. Love liberates while lust binds.

I am from Brooklyn, NY, so we could not have many pets, but I always had at least two dogs.

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