A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.

The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to bear them, sometimes three.

You have two numbers in your age when you are ten. It's the beginning of growing up.

I was carrying two cargoes. Yes, one of them was horror, but the other one was hope.

Deceit and violence - these are the two forms of deliberate assault on human beings.

There is in every truth a wise saying, and in every contradiction, two wise sayings.

There are two ways for a painter: the broad and easy one or the narrow and hard one.

The whole life with a wife is like an end game with two bishops of different colors.

When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so you've got two new people.

It's a gut feeling. And when two people have the same gut feeling, you have a brand.

The biggest challenge in life is for the two hearts to live in peaceful co-existence

We crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow.

I guess cows aren't into the four food groups, especially when they are two of them.

Two weeks together, that’s all it took, two weeks for me to fall in love with you. ♥

I've met an attractive weasel or two in my time. He looks more like a rat." -pg.170-

There are two things that Jack Bauer never does. Show mercy, and go to the bathroom.

Two is not a winner, and three nobody remembers. What does it take to be number one?

Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.

Only a Perfect One who is always laughing at the word two can make you know of Love.

The GOP's freak out over Donald Trump. Just two months to Iowa, can anyone stop him?

My life, at least, is divided between writing and performing and mixtures of the two.

I served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I won the Bronze Star. I won the Purple Heart.

There are two infinities in this world: God up above, and down below, human baseness.

To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered.

Mann There are two kinds of people: those who GIVE energy and those who DRAIN energy.

Comfortable shoes and the freedom to leave are the two most important things in life.

I was never an actor. I had done one or two random projects in my advertising career.

There are only two places in the world where we can live happy: at home and in Paris.

Wisdom is the knowledge of good and evil, not the strength to choose between the two.

The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.

As Bertrand Russell once wrote, two plus two is four even in the interior of the sun.

If you convinced me And I convinced you, Would there not still be Two points of view?

It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years.

Animals have two vital functions in today's society; to be delicious and to fit well.

All of management's efforts for Kaizen boil down to two words: customer satisfaction.

Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age.

Even when Warren [Beatty] cast me, it had been two years between films at that point.

Two persons love in one another the future good which they aid one another to unfold.

The silence between two notes is as beautiful and meaningful as the notes themselves.

There are two categories of women. Those who are women and those who are men's wives.

There are two types of forwards. Scorers and bangers. Scorers score and bangers bang.

I'm right next to two beautiful women right now, so I'm going to sit right back down.

Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white-separate and unequal.

The replenishing thing that comes with a nap - you end up with two mornings in a day.

So I need the story, Jenna. I need the truth. Right, like the two are the same thing.

A group of two dozen nurses completely surrounded by 100,000 unattached American men.

We need two kinds of acquaintances, one to complain to, while to the others we boast.

There are two categories of actresses: performance-oriented ones and glamourous ones.

Ireland and England are like two sisters; I would have them embrace like one brother.

Two daiquiris withdrew into a corner of a gorgeous room and one told the other a lie.

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