Man and woman are two locked caskets, of which each contains the key to the other.

I've been breastfeeding for two years. I could light the gas ring with my nipples.

The thought of two thousand people crunching celery at the same time horrified me.

There are 2 kind of batsmen in the world. One Sachin Tendulkar. Two all the others

Though we have two eyes, we are supplied with but one tongue. Draw your own moral.

There are only three white blues singers -- Geoff Muldaur is at least two of them.

I was going to be lynched. I had to go into hiding in the mountains for two weeks.

There are two things civilized Man should never see being made: Sausages and Laws.

I cannot imagine live without two things, First is cigarette and second are girls.

Testing two vaccines against different H1N1s at the same time has never been done.

I live by two credos: If you don't ask, you don't get. And most things don't work.

My strength is my distance. I can swim two-and-a-half soccer fields on one breath.

Don’t you two girls have something better to do, like pick out toe lint? (Acheron)

I have never been the mousy, stand-two-paces-behind, obedient 'little woman' type.

If you give Shevchenko half a chance, he'll score two goals. That's how good he is

Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets.

The romance of life begins and ends with two blank pages. Age and extreme old age.

Reservation should be under 'Bartlett.' Right, that's two T's. Yes. 'Bart-let-et.'

There are two things people want more than sex and money - recognition and praise.

On two legs, Mickey Mantle would have been the greatest ballplayer who ever lived.

I have learned when two Republicans are talking about legalizing drugs to shut up.

Right and proof are two crutches for everything bent and crooked that limps along.

Every painting is always two paintings: The one you see, and the one you remember.

Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes.

Republicans who criticize the use of two languages, I think, make a great mistake.

There is no easy way to train an apprentice. My two tools are example and nagging.

What you want, my lad, and what you're going to get are two very different things.

Yeah, I kind of grew up in front of the camera: I started modeling when I was two.

Once you've spent two years trying to wiggle one toe, everything is in proportion.

I got two stools, in case I want to sit down and sit down again on something else.

There are two kinds of people in the world: Johnny Von Neumann and the rest of us.

There's a saying I remember from my grandmother: One today is worth two tomorrows.

Five runs with two outs is tough to take. It sure took the air out of our balloon.

A boxer makes a comeback for two reasons: either he’s broke or he needs the money.

I never saw an instance of one or two disputants convincing the other by argument.

Culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language.

Who's got two thumbs, speaks limited French and hasn't cried once today? This moi.

I have two dogs and a parrot, so they require a lot of attention. They deserve it.

If you're hanging out with two negative people, do they equal one positive person?

The two women exchanged the type of glance women use when there is no knife handy.

There are two days in the year that we can not do anything, yesterday and tomorrow

Hardly any human being is capable of pursuing two professions or two arts rightly.

There are two kinds of truth. There are real truths, and there are made up truths.

Love is leading. People think it has to be two different roles but it is the same.

There are only two things I can't give up; one is coffee and the other is tobacco.

It looked exhausting and pointless, two things that should be avoided at all costs

From the outset, I conceived Star Wars as a series of six films, or two trilogies.

I would rather be seated between any two women than any two men at a dinner party.

Hey! Shouts Camel. There ain't no woman in the world worth two bottles of whiskey!

People say, 'Gee, you do a lot of mafia movies.' I think I've done two, out of 60.

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