There's two positions in snowboarding. One is looking cool and the other is DEAD!

Sticks and stones may break me, but the words you said just tore my heart in two.

If a literary man puts together two words about music, one of them will be wrong.

There are two fools in every marketplace; one asks too little, one asks too much.

God has two families of children on this earth, the once-born and the twice-born.

Actually, I have only two things to worry about now: afterlife and reincarnation.

Below the knee, halfway down the arm, and two finger widths below the collarbone.

Most people are dead. Hitler. Ray Charles. Some other guys. But mostly those two.

I feel like Bush presidencies are like "Godfather" films. You should stop at two.

The world can no more have two summits than a circumference can have two centres.

One can play comedy, two are required for melodrama, but a tragedy demands three.

When you’re different you’ve got two choices. You can stand out or you step back.

We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.

Preparedness and punctuality are two of the most important qualities of a leader.

Two types of people laugh at the law: those that break it and those that make it.

There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up.

Every gift is held by two hands: the one that gives, and the one that takes away.

How the Idolatry of Christian Same-Sex Marriage Advocates Takes Two General Forms

The simile sets two ideas side by side; in the metaphor they become superimposed.

Research shows that social media is comprised of two components: social and media.

If you're short on time, that would be the two-word version of our story: we fell.

I can saw a woman in two - but you won't want to look in the box when I'm through.

I would really like, in fact, to be born again in another two hundred years' time.

I played 15 years of hockey, and I got more injured doing two weeks of cheer camp.

These two criteria are like the pillars of true love: deeds, and the gift of self.

When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil.

If you want to read about love and marriage, you've got to buy two separate books.

Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two.

Two basic rules of life are: 1) Change is inevitable. 2) Everybody resists change.

Two of the hardest words in the language to rhyme are life and love. Of all words!

They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling unable to communicate.

I'm delighted and feel incredibly happy with what have been an amazing two months.

Two things a novelist can do with a hat: Talk through it or pull a rabbit from it.

I think I'm painting a picture of two women but it may turn out to be a landscape.

Whatever happens, do not lose hold of the two main ropes of life - hope and faith.

Other than sex, two things bring people together; economic transactions and booze.

I think the two most difficult things to deal with in life are failure and success

No man will ever be President of the United States who spells 'negro' with two gs.

There are two versions to every poem – the crying version and the straight version

There's not one cast member of 90210 who didn't throw a tantrum to two themselves.

We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize that we only have one

As for Gordon Brown - I've described him and Blair as two cheeks of the same arse.

Listen twice as much as you talk, since you were born with two ears and one mouth.

There is no bitterness to be compared with that between two people who once loved.

I've been in a treatment center for drinkin'. I stayed for two days, then escaped.

Give me two hours a day of activity, and I'll take the other twenty-two in dreams.

I like to buy clothes that are two sizes too small and then take them in a little.

Not to speak for Jason [Benjamin], but he's a straight married dude with two kids.

To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.

Sarcasm and compassion are two of the qualities that make life on Earth tolerable.

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