No one will ever win a 5,000-meter by running an easy two miles. Not against me.

There are only two words with four letters which can make us fly: Wing and Love.

Cars and bumper cars are two very different things. NEVER sleep in a bumper car.

I hate money. It is boring and it is arithmetic. The two things I hate the most.

Affaires meant 'business.' How like the French to kill two birds with one stone.

I had a very hard father. I had two sisters. He was soft on them and hard on me.

Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.

Two people can have a middling day, but one rounds up and the other rounds down.

The cynic puts all human actions into two classes - openly bad and secretly bad.

Are two people drinking from the same bottle of wine having a common experience?

There's two elements to rap: having the thoughts, and then being a great rapper.

To me, Viagra is the same as Disneyland. You wait an hour for a two-minute ride.

Walt Disney and I always said we were two children looking for our inner adults.

If two or more organs of the body are not squirting fluids, the story's no good!

I haven't been living anywhere because I've been on tour for the past two years.

There is no better way to know us Than as two wolves, come separately to a wood.

All novelists should live in two different worlds: a real one and an unreal one.

Only two things ever stop the government from doing anything: money and politics

I can cook about two things. I can boil hot water for the only pasta I can make.

There are two things you don't want to see being made - sausage and legislation.

I think leadership's always been about two main things: imagination and courage.

The only time that love is an easy game is when two other people are playing it.

Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.

One plus one equals three. When a man and woman marry they become one never two.

Caring works. Caretaking doesn't. We can learn to walk the line between the two.

scapegoat, n. I think our top two are: 1. Not enough coffee. 2. Too much coffee.

Every sentence must do one of two things-reveal character or advance the action.

There's a saying in the software design industry: "Good. Fast. Cheap. Pick two."

The two horsewomen of the apocalypse still win, despite their dwindling numbers.

You're born with two strikes against you, so don't take a third one on your own.

I have two kids and they have the same rules. We have to do this as a community.

When I am home for like a two-year stretch, I get antsy, because I want to work.

Stupidity assumes two forms, it speaks or is silent. Mute stupidity is bearable.

Of course he would count the time that we'd been two entirely different species.

I hit two trees and fell down a ditch. And that was just walking from the lodge.

I been talkin' with my buddy, and he thinks I'm virgin enough fer the two of us.

It all ends in one of two ways: either someone gets eaten or something blows up.

If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.

Labor and trouble one can always get through alone, but it takes two to be glad.

Gluttony and idleness are two of life's great joys, but they are not honourable.

It seems to me that there are two great enemies of peace - fear and selfishness.

There are two ways to be rich in life: have what you want or want what you have.

A good painter has two main objects to paint, man and the intention of his soul.

22 million African-Americans - that's what we are - Africans who are in America.

One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz.

God has two thrones, on in the highest heavens, the other in the lowliest heart.

Her life-that was the only chance she had-the short season between two silences.

I would rather spend an hour among the notorious than two minutes with the dull.

Every actor wants to get their two cents in about a scene at the end of the day.

Women and God are the two rocks on which a man must either anchor or be wrecked.

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