Cardinal rule for all hitters with two strikes on them: Never trust the umpire.

There's two kinds of coaches, them that's fired and them that's gonna be fired.

You need a whole community to raise a child. I have raised two children, alone.

You couldn't take two roads. And once you were on one, there was no going back.

A free ride and free food are two of the three things no pilot ever turns down.

Let me confess that we two must be twain, although our undivided loves are one.

In two words," said Alan quietly, "there is nothing I love half as much as you.

If you have difficulties making a decision, choose the lesser of the two evils.

Only two groups of people intimidate me absolutely: salespeople and the French.

It was only for two years, and I jumped from family to family. It's very scary.

There is an old poor man,. . . . Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger.

I'm just like everybody else. I have two arms, two legs and four-thousand hits.

You can only have two things in life, reasons and results. Reasons don't count.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.

The only really interesting thing is what happens between two people in a room.

I'm convinced that it's energy and humor. The two of them combined equal charm.

A boy sows a wild oat or two, the world winks. A girl does the same -- scandal.

If you have two good off spinners, what is the problem in playing both of them.

Every man has two personalities; the one he reveals to women, the other to men.

Barack Obama's a politician, I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences.

A mom forgives us all our faults, not to mention one or two we don't even have.

There's the private persona and the public persona and the two shall never meet

An Englishman will fairly drink as much As will maintain two families of Dutch.

You can really do some clever editing even within the limited two-track format.

Kung fu and soccer are the two things that I was most interested in as a child.

picture, n. A representation in two dimensions of something wearisome in three.

But what a man can do and what a man will do are two different things, he knew.

Fate always gives you two choices, the one you should take, and the one you do.

There are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars.

if you learn to hate one or two persons... you'll soon hate millions of people.

It was just the thrill of a lifetime. Brando and Hackman were two of my heroes.

Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular.

All we do is to rise and to fall; and in between these two activities, we sleep!

Jesse, this is Craig. Craig, Jesse. You two should get along. Jesse's dead, too.

There were two ways of looking at the world, but only one when you are starving.

I believe in two concepts: Everything in moderation and break a sweat every day.

Two creative spirits in a relationship, I don't think that's the best way to go.

These days I'm probably happiest when I see my two daughters loving one another.

We have two strategies for coping; the way of avoidance or the way of attention.

Stencils are good for two reasons; one - they're quick; two - they annoy idiots.

You not only choose between two ways of life but you choose between two masters.

Every blade has two edges; he who wounds with one wounds himself with the other.

I don't run around shooting people. Much. I only shoot two people a year. Maybe.

In McKinsey's world, all of life is one of two things: strategy or organization.

One is greater than two amongst three men where only one of them is intelligent!

Nick is driving us," Jamie informed him. "Nick has a car. Nick has TWO cars. Ha!

There are two types of football - there's physical football and football talent.

If you're undercover for two or three years, I think you lose your private life.

I don't mind seeing two guys kissing, you know, as long as they're clean-shaven.

A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two addresses is a libertine.

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