I throw the ball ninety-two miles an hour, but they hit it back just as hard.

Man consists of two parts, his mind and his body, only the body has more fun.

My attention span is very limited, and I watch just one or two movies a year.

There are two types of people in life - those who get it and those who don't.

I'm playing pretty good now, but my ranking doesn't say that. I'm number two.

There are two kinds of people in this world: Michael Jackson fans and losers.

Always be quite simple and sincere and ask God to grant me those two virtues.

There are problems and there are children. It is our aim to separate the two.

Scouting teaches a boy to take care of himself and stand on his own two feet.

I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that, for so long." -Nudge

Over the past two decades, we have clearly seen an erosion of ethical values.

I do not know why one should not hunt two hares even in the literal sense....

If a cook can't make soup between two and seven, she can't make it in a week.

The good painter must paint two things: a person and the essence of his soul.

I'm really bad at working out and I eat a lot. I have to eat every two hours.

My block was due to two overlapping factors: laziness and lack of discipline.

In Sales, you have to satisfy two people: One, your customer. Two, your Boss.

As regards obstacles, the shortest distance between two points can be a curve.

The unthinkable occurred: two communist countries went to war with each other.

I feel strikingly domestic. We're in our own world with two busses and trucks.

The best number for a dinner party is two; myself and a damn good head waiter.

Find me a servant who admires his Master and you will have found two good men.

I'm living with two guys. I'm living with a slob and a guy who sleeps all day.

You dream as an actor's director of letting moments breathe through two-shots.

Entrepreneurs have two basic assets: their creativity and their relationships.

Excitement was plentiful during my two years' service as a Pony Express rider.

A pitcher needs two pitches, one they're looking for and one to cross them up.

I cannot tell you what hotel I'm staying at, but there are two trees involved.

The world has little to bestow Where two fond hearts in equal love are joined.

[On being overweight:] If I tried to haul ass, I would have to make two trips.

The world is two thirds spaghetti and meatballs, one third syphilitic chancre.

It takes about two and a half percent growth just to keep unemployment stable.

I mean, Beatles songs were two and a half minutes long, and they're fantastic.

I have two step-kids and one of my own on the way. That's three college funds.

I dream of a love that is more than two people craving to possess one another.

To my sick little pal. I will try to knock you another homer, maybe two today.

There are two things no man will admit he cannot do well: drive and make love.

Mature means neither "too soon" nor "too late," but something between the two.

Any item in your wardrobe should satisfy one of two criteria: utility and joy.

My only two constants are to challenge myself and to try not to repeat myself.

The first great real intimacy between two people begins when secrets are told.

Life is exponential. Two becomes four, becomes ten thousand, becomes a plague.

There are two roads to every place, and the wise man chooses the pleasant one.

I've always believed the two best anti-poverty programs are work and marriage.

There never were, since the creation of the world, two cases exactly parallel.

The nature of our two main political parties has changed in the United States.

there are two types of the male species of Homo sapiens: men, and Italian men.

... one thing I've learned in caving is always to be two hundred percent sure.

I have an accident about every two years, and one day it won't be an accident!

I’m telling you, trouble is like the ocean. It covers two thirds of the world.

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