The most important point is to accept yourself and stand on your two feet.

Doubt everything at least once, even the sentence "Two times two is four."

Grief has been compared to a hydra; for every one that dies, two are born.

Any two meals at a boarding-house are together less than two square meals.

Actually, my plan was to be 20-under par after two days but it didn't work

Two forces create eternity - a fairy tale and a dream from the fairy tale.

When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy.

Illinois corn farmers are the Nation's number two exporter of feed grains.

Ever since I was two, I've loved octopuses, monsters, abandoned buildings.

Energy and patience in business are two indispensable elements of success.

You know, quite a few species of fish require two or more sexual partners.

One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible.

As long as we separate this oneness into two we won't achieve realization.

I'm a sensualist. My two main indulgences are dark chocolate and massages.

There are two things that kill a genius - a fatal disease and contentment.

Life is like that - twenty minutes of misery for every two seconds of joy.

It's true that Ferrari and Monaco are the two most important things to F1.

Never schedule a board meeting on Wednesday because it kills two weekends.

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

Great conversation ... requires an absolute running of two souls into one.

I know only two tunes: one of them is "Yankee Doodle" and the other isn't.

I'd much rather do one or two takes of one thing and then see how it goes.

There are two sorts of losers - the good loser, and the one who can't act.

There are also two kinds of truths: truth of reasoning and truths of fact.

You can’t just lump things into two categories. Things aren’t that simple.

Republicans are 'bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads.'

If two people have only one thought between them, something is very wrong.

Stage and film are just two wildly different animals. Why compare the two?

I can't even imagine what it is like to make a movie that lasts two hours.

You have two choices: to control your mind or to let your mind control you.

The United States Congress, like a lot of rich people, lives in two houses.

I only drink champagne on two occasions.When I am in love and when I am not

God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.

Human affairs inspire in noble hearts only two feelings-admiration or pity.

The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two; The vision and the viewer are one

He that pays for work before it's done, has but a pennyworth for two pence.

I love to smoke. I wish I had more than two hands so I can hold more cigars

I have been back in Paris for two weeks. Nothing new. Life is still bitter.

Anybody not wearing a two-million sun block is gonna have a pretty bad day.

When I get off the plane in England I always feel about two inches shorter.

There are two victims in every abortion: a dead baby and a dead conscience.

I make it through the first two weeks of school without a nuclear meltdown.

The self is only a threshold, a door, a becoming between two multiplicities

There're rules to being the side chick. Rule number one: you're number two.

True wisdom consists in two things: Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Self.

There are not many people on Team Gary. Actually, it's two people. My kids.

There are two types of pain: pain that hurts you and pain that changes you.

A musical takes two to five years. You have to love it to put in the years.

There are two indices of genuine art: it is inimitable and it is ineffable.

Both my marriages were failures! Number one departed, and number two stayed

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