If you can't love two people at once, there's something wrong with you.

Two friendships in two breasts requires The same aversions and desires.

This would have been Senna's third win a row if he'd won the two before

Stewart has two cars in the top five: Magnusson 5th and Barichello 6th.

Once you get that two-way energy thing going, everyone benefits hugely.

While it takes at least two to reconcile, it only takes one to forgive.

To live two days in succession on the same spiritual plane is a tragedy

Rules and school are tools for fools! I don't give two mules for rules.

I know two kinds of audiences only--one coughing, and one not coughing.

Skepticism can keep us from blessing, can keep us trapped in two minds.

Punk was over in two years. That was the only damn good thing about it.

Wit and woman are two frail things, and both the frailer by concurring.

There are only two industries that refer to their customers as 'users'.

It's impossible to translate Wall Street greed into one or two demands.

I have seen one or two psychiatrists. They just sit and nod and doodle.

There are two kinds of egotists: Those who admit it, and the rest of us

I hope to grow another head and two more hands, like an Indian goddess.

Making music together is the best way for two people to become friends.

I’m as forgiving as the wall you hit at two hundred kilometers an hour.

My current companion, Gerard de Battista, is the father of my two sons.

Two of my favorite things are my steering wheel and my Remington rifle.

Another time I cracked two of the vertebrae in my back and broke a rib.

I have learned two things in my life: there is a God, and I am not him.

Also pay attention if a tree or whatnot says something about two bulls.

A secret is too little for one, enough for two, and too much for three.

Patience and foresight are the two most important qualities in business

Having a trade deficit and a budget deficit, it's two different things.

I go for two kinds of men. The kind with muscles, and the kind without.

If you are picking the lesser of two evils, you are still picking Evil.

Wandering between two worlds, one dead, The other powerless to be born.

I have two syndicated radio shows though United Stations Radio Network.

The game was two hours, with the commercials. I wish they did that now.

I plan to do my next two albums with Lady Gaga . She is quite a talent.

Humanity is composed but of two categories, the invalids and the nurses


While we are sleeping, two-thirds of the world is plotting to do us in.

Everybody knows that you've been faithful, give or take a night or two.

I'm a goody two-shoes who's never taken anything stronger than Tylenol.

There are only two days on my calendar... today and the day of judgment

Technique is communication: the two words are synonymous in conductors.

Everyone has two choices. We're either full of love... or full of fear.

Put your two best players away from the ball and bring it back to them.

One boy's a boy, two boys are half a boy; three boys are no boy at all.

Base eight is just like base ten really, if you're missing two fingers.

Two things that matter to me. Emotional resonance and rocket launchers.

You can be a scientist and believe in god: the two can go hand in hand.

Putting two songs together, I've always loved that trick when it works.

Two things make a story. The net and the air that falls through the net.

London and Fog! When these two come together, it is time to be a writer!

Two words will help you cope when you run low on hope: accept and trust.

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