When someone offers me a job or a project, I always ask myself, "What does it tell me about the world?" and "Have I seen it before?" Two good questions.

I love the first two X-Men movies because I thought that Bryan Singer did such a great job. He elevated that whole genre. He's a very talented director.

In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Two old chairs and half a candle, One old jug without a handle- These were all the worldly goods.

But this is a story, and in a story there is always someone beautiful enough." - 'The Girl with Two Skins' from A Guide to Folktales in Fragile Dialects

In philosophy, or religion, or ethics, or politics, two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or an aeroplane they had to make four.

In Paris there are two dens, one for thieves, the other for murderers. The den of thieves is the Stock Exchange; the den of murderers is the Courthouse.

With a pop album you can listen to one or two songs from it, but a music album is really an experience. It's not something a whole lot of rock bands do.

Let it suffice that in the light of these two facts, namely, that the mind is One, and that nature is its correlative, history isto be read and written.

Being a good designer certainly doesn't guarantee that you're good at business. It's probably more surprising when the two talents coexist in one person.

There have been two popular subjects for poetry in the last few decades: the Vietnam War and AIDS, about both of which almost all of us have felt deeply.

I am a registered Democrat (there are only two Republicans in Maryland and they're both in office) and two-time unsuccessful candidate for office myself.

I moved around a lot when I was a child; two of the houses I grew up in have totally disappeared. One was burnt in a riot, and the other was pulled down.

Whatever a person may pray for, that person prays for a miracle. Every prayer comes down to this - Almighty God, grant that two times two not equal four.

We are searching for some kind of harmony between two intangibles: a form which we have not yet designed and a context which we cannot properly describe.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.

Surely, God on high has not refused to give us enough wisdom to find ways to bring us an improvement in relations between the two great nations on earth.

Isn't it wonderful that two of the most sacred and symbolic plants, the olive and the vine, live on almost nothing, a terrace of limestone, sun and rain.

Mind you, I would not want the pressure of being number one in the world just two years before a World Cup. There is only one way to go and it is not up.

Thoughts of lack manifest as limitation. Thoughts of abundance manifest as success and happiness. Failure and success are but two ends of the same stick.

The two main hazards of psychoanalysis: that it might fail, and that if it succeeds, you'll never be able to forgive yourself for all those wasted years.

So why is a third of our world battling obesity and spending huge sums to burn off excess calories, while the other two-thirds yearn to get more of them?

New record majority of Americans dislike the two corporate front-runners [ Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton] . This is what Lesser Evil leads to. Enough.

Fortunately, I knew the cardinal rule of getting on with one's fellow cooks. It applies in any kitchen and can be summed up in two short words: bust ass.

God has written in the law of nature that when two people are joined in love or friendship, one must always give his heart more perfectly than the other.

I don't think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. It's just more tasteful.

People spend all their time focused on things they can't control. In truth, there are only two things you can control: your attitude and your work ethic.

I enjoy living in a nice house and having a nice life. So I do two or three commercials overseas a year to sort of fill in, because they pay pretty well.

I've always been an Industrial fan. People who say "Industrial is out" are the same people who will say "IDM is out" in a year or two. Ambulance chasers.

Sometimes, when something really great happens to me, I like to wait two weeks before I tell anyone about it, because I like to use the word 'fortnight'.

Differentiation of treatment is not motivated by the difference of value of the two races, but of the fundamental difference of their respective natures.

I think you inherit most of your talent from your parents, although sometimes a fabulously talented singer grows out of the union of two tone-deaf people

I think every singer should be able to jump in for a singer who has been sick, for instance, and learn an opera in two days. I know people who can do it.

In Hollywood, there really is a stigma against wrestling. I think that's why people think wrestlers are Neanderthals who can't string two words together.

I don't envisage I will be captain again, but for two England managers, Steve McClaren and Fabio Capello, I was their first choice and I'm proud of that.

The shopping is not finished and before the pre-season starts I would like to bring in another two players. I like shopping, maybe I have become a woman.

Sometimes, because of my success, I am afraid that I was not a good father. With the first two I was too strong, and with the other three I was too weak.

It's much more interesting to try and understand what binds two people together. Why we stay with each other is much more of a mystery than why we don't.

If you have an idea and I have an idea - then we EACH have JUST ONE idea...but if you share your idea with me and I do the same...we EACH have TWO ideas!

Hegel held that the two sexes were of necessity different, the one being active and the other passive, and of course the female would be the passive one.

Come on, Megeara. Walk on the wild side with me. Let’s get naked and ruin Solin’s upholstery. It serves two purposes. We’re happy and he’s pissed. (Arik)

I went to graduate school at Harvard for one year I worked in the state legislature in Sacramento for one year. I taught school in Compton for two years.

Time and space are finite in extent, but they don't have any boundary or edge. They would be like the surface of the earth, but with two more dimensions.

I don't know. I always sort of liked playing [Georgia] that second game because you could always count on them having two or three key players suspended.

I've only done four or five episodes of 'Two and a Half Men,' and its amazing how many people recognize me for that more than anything else in my career.

There are two kinds of investors, be thay large or small: those who don't know where the market is headed, and those who don't know that they don't know.

Home runs come in bunches. You can go two weeks without one or hit four in a week. Sometimes, you just feel that stroke for a week or two weeks straight.

I believe in the nobility of entertaining people and I take great, great pride that people are willing to give me two or three hours of their busy lives.

Gordon Lightfoot looms pretty large in my life as a writer and an artist in general. I never travel anywhere without at least two of his records with me.

Intuition is the discriminative faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right. Perfect intuition makes you a master of all.

Studies of reconciliation in primates have demonstrated that if the relationship value increases between two parties they are more willing to make peace.

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