I've always been fond of the saying that when it comes to oversight and reform, the federal government does two things well: nothing and overreact.

They [Mike Tyson and Todd Phillips] actually struck up a really pretty incredible chemistry, those two, and I think they really trusted each other.

There are two types of panicking: standing still and not saying a word, and leaping all over the place babbling anything that comes into your head.

The worst thing you can be is a liar. . . . Okay, fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but then number two is liar. Nazi one, liar two.

If we each get on a treadmill right now, one of two things is going to happen... either you're going to get off first or I am going to die. Period.

Some cynical Frenchman has said that there are two parties to a love-transaction: the one who loves and the other who condescends to be so treated.

A brave and passionate man will kill or be killed. A brave and calm man will always preserve life. Of these two which is good and which is harmful?

Math is my favorite subject. It's the universal language. I like the fact that wherever you go in the whole world, two plus two will still be four.

What is it, I wonder, that makes two people suddenly become important to each other? So important that everything else around them just fades away?

Two other personality traits could also make more likely [Donald] Trump's use of nuclear weapons: his impulsiveness and his lack of predictability.

It's going to take about a year or two for the transfer to be completed. We have a certification program so professionals can teach deep listening.

There are two or three performances in your life that are absolutely on, where all the planets are lined up for you and you feel you're invincible.

Who that man in the black Sedan With two cheap hookers and a Mexican Pumpin' white lines, sippin' warm Coors Light Mickey Avalon, call me Mr. Right

We believe strongly that the road to peace and two states living side by side does not go through New York, it goes through Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Each of us is full of too many wheels, screws and valves to permit us to judge one another on a first impression or by two or three external signs.

Many people have asked me why there are three pedals in these grand pianos. Well the pedal in the middle is there to separate the two other pedals.

Islam takes advantage of two structural flaws that exist in the Western society. One is political correctness and other is the decline of morality.

Certainly, I, as an audience, am stricken with terror if I see only two people onstage. And one person, I think, is even harder for people to take.

Even as I approach the gambling hall, as soon as I hear, two rooms away, the jingle of money poured out on the table, I almost go into convulsions.

The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.

I actually have two hats in my office; one says "network," one says "studio." Paul Lee over at ABC sent those over to us and I find it very useful.

I became married at a young age and had two daughters and divorced at 26. I had to go on welfare to make ends meet. I had no way to support myself.

There are two kinds of trouble: The kind you have and the kind you haven't. There are but few of the first sort, but of the second there is no end.

The quad toms are a completely different animal than the standard drum set/trap kit. Playing wise and stylistically, they are two different beasts.

I really would like to start a family as well. Whether I can balance the two or have to decide one or the other way, I'm not sure what will happen.

My distinguishing talent is the ability to put people under the microscope, perhaps to go one or two layers farther down than some other directors.

Handicap: an allocation of strokes on one or more holes that permits two golfers of very different ability to do equally poorly on the same course.

You can't come back to TV for two months. It's too short. You can't start anything. It's too much of a tease and there's really nowhere you can go.

I always hoped that I would settle down with someone. Marriage, I could really give two shits about, as an institution, but it makes things easier.

Someone will inevitably find something wrong in almost everything, so do what it is that you do best and remember to have enough tolerance for two.

If people spend two hours thinking about the direction of their own lives and can relate to the stories they see on screen, to me that's a success.

There are more social skills required to talk one-on-one [than to an audience]. You don't have to be socially fluid to talk to two thousand people.

I have only two rules which I regard as principles of conduct. The first is: Have no rules. The second is: Be independent of the opinion of others.

I'm staying," Henry said, annoyed. "Why?" "Because, if I leave, it would be like abandoning two mentally challenged people in a nuclear waste dump.

The twentieth century was marked by two broad trends: the regulation of capitalism and the deregulation of democracy. Both experiments overreached.

Two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most.

When I get ready to talk to people, I spend two thirds of the time thinking what they want to hear and one third thinking about what I want to say.

Each morning, we return from the dream soul trying to adjust to the day world, that moment when the two souls exchange places in the driver’s seat.

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who want to be desired, and people who want to be desired so much that they pretend they don't.

And you know, I'm so used to going 100 miles an hour in every direction and sleeping you know, two, three hours a night, and that's the way I live.

Life is wonder, endless, ceaseless wonder. If your energy level is low, then everything is gray, two-dimensional, boring, frustrating, and unhappy.

You stand exactly in the middle, poised between heaven and earth, a human conductor for the energy that seeks to flow between these two polarities.

And I love Mel Brooks. My Dad loved his movies, too, they're awesome, the kind of thing that if you're in for ten minutes, you're in for two hours.

The freedom of women was achieved by two things: One, the Pill. Two... by labour-saving devices like the washing machine. By science, not feminism.

It's the rule of the two F's: I've got to be a fan and I've got to be a friend. We only work with people we have a cool personal relationship with.

My first two records are so simply constructed. The reason isn't because I wanted to make simple music. It's because I don't really have the chops.

Sarah Palin is an attractive candidate, but based on her background, she only was governor for what, two years. I don`t think she passed that test.

The Argentineans practice on the court for two hours a day, then they must practice in front of a mirror for two more hour saying 'I'm not guilty.'

Personally, I'm an advocate for short engagements. Long sometimes means there is a reason for it. Two years engaged and no wedding... I'd be upset.

"Equestrian", by the by, is the gayest word in the English language. In fact, I thought Brokeback Mountain should have been called Two Equestrians.

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