Science fiction is really sociological studies of the future, things that the writer believes are going to happen by putting two and two together.

I've always just wanted to tell stories, and create stuff, and I think "Creator" or "Director" would probably be the two words that I go to first.

I've been to two festivals in my life, and I've never been to Toronto. I haven't really been making festival movies. This is new territory for me.

Clergymen almost necessarily fail in two ways as teachers of morals. They condemn acts which do no harm and they condone acts which do great harm.

If I'm going to be working out two hours a day, I may as well have a goal... and I'm pretty competitive by nature. A triathlon is a new fun thing.

Only two things I know about Albuquerque - Bugs Bunny should've taken a left turn there. And give me a hundred tries, I'll never be able spell it.

There are two kinds of people, those who like to sleep next to the wall, and those who like to sleep next to the people who push them off the bed.

I love women, I love alcohol, and I love combining the two. If God invented anything better than drunk sex with a hot girl, he kept it to himself.

As an Israeli, I have come to understand: there is no way to love Israel and reject a two-state peace, no way to love Israel and reject Palestine.

I think growing up is difficult and it's a process that I'm always interested in, with kids and adults, they are often on two different universes.

More and more I believe in the fact that you have two hands and two legs, and the thing is how to make good use of yourself - and that's about it.

The monument I want after I am dead is a monument with two legs going around the world-a saved sinner telling about the salvation of Jesus Christ.

I think that we can't deny the public's want for balancing out the images that are out there depicting women. Not all of us are 17 and a size two.

ER was one of my favourites. I played a car accident victim who has leukemia. I got to wear a neck brace and nose tubes for the two days I worked.

There is no golden mean between these two extremes; either this early life must become low in our estimation, or it will have our inordinate love.

The command, 'Be fruitful and multiply', was promulgated, according to our authorities, when the population of the world consisted of two persons.

I'm very interested in how we read things, especially the link between seeing two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, because of how I read.

The human being is constantly torn from calm and peace of simple existence by two things; wanting what you don't have, or disliking what you have.

Brands communicate in two directions: they help us tell other people something about ourselves, but they also help us form ideas about who we are.

If you are a carrier of a particular set of genes, your probability of committing a violent crime goes up by eight hundred and eighty-two percent.

The two elements of the suburban pattern that cause the greatest problems are the extreme separation of uses and the vast distances between things

Anyone who has ever asked for directions knows you need two crucial pieces of information to get good results: a starting point and a destination.

These are the two basic controls at the photographer's command--positi on and timing--all others are extensions, peripheral ones, compared to them

I eat pretty clean, but the training is tiring. When you're training two times a day it can be really draining, so I'd rather stick with the diet.

No one who was not by nature a lover of logic, and an extreme precisian in the use of words and phrases, could have written the two "Alice" books.

Coach Bo Pelini and coach Carl Pelini are two coaches I talk to on a regular basis, especially coach Bo. They are coaches I feel elevated my game.

You can't wait forever for an audience to get the joke, but you should give them at least two seconds to join in before you go on to the next one.

If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today. If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare.

So in every individual the two trends, one towards personal happiness and the other unity with the rest of humanity, must contend with each other.

When someone pushes you down you must get up and stand on your own two feet even if your scared to do it. Only you can set limits to your success.

This morning I paid seventy cents for two little old dried-up slivers of bacon and one cockeyed egg. It took me till noon to get my appetite back.

Over two billion people now use the broadband Internet, up from perhaps 50 million a decade ago, when I was at Netscape, the company I co-founded.

The only thing I ever withheld from the KGB were the names of two agents whom I personally had known and handled and had a particular feeling for.

They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies.

Human beings are essentially here for two purposes - to learn about and express love, and to create. We learn about love in all our relationships.

I will absolutely give my [tax] return, but I'm being audited now for two or three years, so I can't do it until the audit is finished, obviously.

I distinguish two types of human beings, Love people, who love the sky and the flowers, and Power People, who are essentially sold on naked power.

It's like, duh. Just when you thought there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the two parties, the Republicans go and prove you're wrong.

Mr. Mum's Rudesheimer And the church of St. Geryon Are the two things alone That deserve to be known In the body-and-soul-stinking town of Cologne.

As it stands right now, I lead Richard Pryor in heart attacks, two to one. However, Richard still leads me, one to nothing, in burning yourself up.

As ships becalmed at eve, that lay With canvas drooping, side by side, Two towers of sail, at dawn of day Are scarce, long leagues apart, descried.

She'd lost two more pounds. A picture of the models she'd cut out of the magazine flashed through Kessa's mind. And the winner is... seventy-three!

The philosophy behind much advertising is based on the old observation that every man is really two men - the man he is and the man he wants to be.

At stake are two different visions of faith, the Church of Caesar, powerful and rich; and the Church of Christ - loving, poor and spiritually rich.

If you're going to spend two or three years immersed in a subject, you better be deeply interested in it, or it won't be interesting to the reader.

Every time I mention her, Magnus says, "Are you two getting along?" in raised, hopeful tones, like we're endangered pandas who need to make a baby.

Rawness and refinement are not opposite ends of a luxurious spectrum they are two complementary features with which to populate a luxe environment.

In my schoolboy reveries, we were always two fugitives riding on the spine of a book, eager to escape into worlds of fiction and secondhand dreams.

Memories are so two-faced. One minute they're hugging you like a long-lost friend, the next minute they're ripping you apart like your worst enemy.

I've heard that it's some kind of weird two-lens system where the back camera uses two lenses and it somehow takes it up into DSLR quality imagery.

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