There are only two kinds of plans. Plans that might work and plans that won't work... you have to take a plan that might work and make it work.

With two small children, I haven't had a wash since 2001 so the chance to go shopping is way down the list. It is something I do intend to get.

Secular humanists can sit around and talk about their love of humanity, but it doesn't stack up against a two-millennium-old funeral high mass.

As a dancer, one of my many teachers along the way made the comment that who I was onstage and who I was off were two totally different people.

Acting is collaborative because you are working with another actor, and it's almost like a two-man juggling team. You have to really be in sync.

I've decided to make my main priority for the next two years not playing the violin, but training for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

At least he went on saying this till Aslan had loaded him up with three dwarfs, one dryad, two rabbits, and a hedgehog, that steadied him a bit.

Yet but three come one more. Two of both kinds make up four. Ere she comes curst and sad. Cupid is a knavish lad. Thus to make poor females mad.

Those two are carved from the same tree." the queen said. By the same blade." The high king answered and offered her his arm in splendid dignity

The best path to power combines two things: 1) a path that not many are taking and 2) something that you are capable and comfortable with doing.

There's the know. And there's the unknown. And what separates the two is the door, and that's what i wanta be. Ahh wanna be th' dooooooooorrr...

We used to think that if we knew one, we knew two, because one and one are two. We are finding that we must learn a great deal more about 'and'.

Union is as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in; it enters in different places but it all becomes one.

Actually, 3D is really the most normal thing because it's how those of us with two eyes usually see the world. TVs are the unusual things in 2D!

I have two children. I gave up a lot for my career, but I'm very happy for it. I've done what I've always thought was best for me and my family.

However I am looking forward to the two new Grands Prixs both Shanghai and Laguna Seca are fantastic tracks and it will be good to race at them.

A highly learned man has two sources of happiness: either he abandons all earthly interests, or else he possesses much which could be abandoned.

There is no devil in the first two chapters of the Bible and no devil in the last two chapters. Thank God for a book that disposes of the devil!

These mages," Kol asked, a wicked glint in his eye, "what kind of fees will they charge? Will I get a two-for-one discount, since they're twins?

Writing fiction is an act of imagination and fantasizing, and it's not relating in prose what you've been doing for the last two or three years.

Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together.

Americans are getting stronger. Twenty years ago, it took two people to carry ten dollars' worth of groceries. Today, a five-year-old can do it.

All SEALS in my mind are equally elite. It doesn't matter if you're SEAL Team Two, One, Six, 10, it doesn't matter. All SEALS are equally elite.

Well "I do" are the two most famous last words. The beginning of the end. But to lose your life for another I've heard is a good place to begin.

Cooperation is working together agreeably... Collaboration is working together aggressively; and theres a world of difference between those two.

Hillary Clinton, [Democrats] say, leads the popular vote by two million, and a shift of a few votes in a few states would have won the election.

I heard a Californian student in Heidelberg say, in one of his calmest moods, that he would rather decline two drinks than one German adjective.

My main job is to live with deep contentment, joy, and confidence in my everyday experience of life with God. Everything else is job number two.

My God, but what do I care about the laws of nature and arithmatic if for some reason these laws and two times two is four are not to my liking?

I always try to say, 'If you want to help the environment, try to do just two things. One, use less of your car. Second, separate your garbage.'

I run a solid 4-6 miles at a time, and over the last year two years I've gotten really into SoulCycle. It's sort of an evolved form of spinning.

My rule has always been, write the next part of the book that you seem to know well. So I won't necessarily write chapter two after chapter one.

If Europe’s example is any guide, here are the two secrets of coping with expensive oil: own fuel-efficient cars, and don’t drive them too much.

By simple mathematics giving is key to the world you seek to live in. If I take I alone gain. If I give or share then two at least are enriched.

After an hour or two of being socially on, we introverts need to turn off and recharge ... This isn't antisocial. It isn't a sign of depression.

The terror of society, which is the basis of morals, the terror of God, which is the secret of religion-these are the two things that govern us.

The privileges of the side-table included the small prerogatives of sitting next to the toast, and taking two cups of tea to other people's one.

The Olympics are great. For two weeks we become absolutely fascinated in these people we've never heard of before and will never think of again.

The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,' said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

There is no normality in life. Having two houses means that we can get out of each other's hair - which, let's face it, we've both got a lot of.

I can't make two records at the same time. Whatever I do, I have to concentrate on and put everything in, because if I don't, I'm just not good.

The government is largely influenced by people who advocate corporate welfare and advocate these policies that create this two-tiered society...

I am a little deaf, a little blind, a little important and on top of this are two or three abominable infirmities, but nothing destroys my hope.

Puerto Rico has two divergent paths forward. After a reasonable transition period, it could become a state. Or it can become a sovereign nation.

The American public tunes in every night hoping to see two people screwing. Obviously, we can't give them that but let's always keep it in mind.

People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.

The creative is always an act of recombination, with something added by new juxtaposition—as making a spark requires two things struck together.

If you have these two things - the willingness to change, and the acceptance of everything as it comes, you will have all you need to work with.

The difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to the success of business today.

In the beginning there were two primal spirits,Twins spontaneously active,These are the Good and the Evil, in thought, and in word, and in deed.

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