A bird in the hand was worth two in the bush, he told her, to which she retorted that a proverb was the last refuge of the mentally destitute.

I'm sort of killing two birds with one stone here, getting to write for "True Blood" and being able to put myself in a comic at the same time.

My wife wanted my children to have some Chinese culture and education. She believes the children need to learn two languages and two cultures.

Leaders' careers will usually be determined by their handling of one or two critical events that no one could possibly anticipate or plan for.

As for myself, there are two things I dread, - death and marriage. I must die, but I need not marry. I have sworn I will never be taken alive.

There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating - people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.

If you consider that a single straight line can be drawn between any two points, one day I'm going to draw a line from him to me or me to him.

There's a rumor going around that I'm Miss Goody-two-shoes from Australia. Well, that's a laugh. I'm really Miss Goody-two-shoes from England!

There are two modes of transport in Los Angeles: car and ambulance. Visitors who wish to remain inconspicuous are advised to choose the latter

The bottom line is that my life has already almost slipped away from me. I have two choices: I can end it or I can fight like hell to save it.

I always wanted to represent the natural, healthy girl, and I didn't care if it was cool or trendy to look like you hadn't eaten in two weeks.

When two souls have finally found each other, there is established between them a union which begins on earth and continues forever in heaven.

For a woman to be at once a coquette and a bigot is more than the humblest of husbands can bear; she should mercifully choose between the two.

A person has two passions for love and abhorrence. A big disposition to excessiveness has just a love, because it is more ardent and stronger.

Archers ever Have two strings to bow; and shall great Cupid (Archer of archers both in men and women), Be worse provided than a common archer?

It really doesn't matter how long. If you practice with your (body), no amount is enough. If you practice with your head, two hours is plenty.

I have the same bedroom I've always had. It's clean and tidy when I get home, and after two or three days it gets messy and my mother nags me.

You want to know my definition of gun control? Being able to stand there at 25 meters and put two rounds in the same hole. That's gun control.

I felt what I almost always feel when I am watching a ballgame: Just for those two or three hours, there is really no place I would rather be.

I doubt about myself. I think doubts are good in life. The people who don't have doubts I think only two things-arrogance or not intelligence.

It often takes two to do a good painting - one to paint it, and another to rap the painter smartly with a hammer before he or she can ruin it.

Every fellow is really two men -- what he is and what he might be; and you're never absolutely sure which you're going to bury till he's dead.

You should never do two things. You should hammer one nail all your life, and I didn't do that; I hammered on a lot of nails like a xylophone.

To character and success, two things, contradictory as they may seem, must go together... humble dependence on God and manly reliance on self.

There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark's Eve," Neeve said. "Either you're his true love . . . or you killed him.

We don't need to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories .. good feelings, bad feelings.

no one in a group of three is the same person he (she, it) is in a group of two. No more than he is the same in a group of two as he is alone.

Kerry was here in Los Angeles. He was courting the Spanish vote by speaking Spanish. And he showed people he could be boring in two languages.

There's people that figure if they hang out with you, all of a sudden they're going to be successes. I've had two or three stalkers in my life

It makes no sense to talk of the social obligations of the corporation without reference to its economic obligations. The two are intertwined.

Delicacy - a sad, sad false delicacy - robs literature of the two best things among its belongings: Family-circle narratives & obscene stories.

Wasn't that the point of the book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought.

What has changed for me is that I now have a huge family [Lightfoot has four children, from his first two marriages] - the result of my living.

In a way, technologies have negated the transcendental God in order to invent the machine-God. However, these two gods raise similar questions.

It is a lovely oddity of human nature that a person is more inclined to interrupt two people in conversation than one person alone with a book.

A wise, joyous bookit unfolds the knowledge and the beauty of the two lives it embraces-old wisdom and young discover, intertwining like vines.

L.A. is not a town that supports a lot of theater. Most of the shows don't get through a week or two and then, the audience kind of disappears.

I've studied men from my topsy-turvy Close, and I reckon, rather true. Some are fine fellows: some, right scurvy; Most, a dash between the two.

Um, guys, I hate to interrupt whatever weirdness you two are partaking in, but we have a situation in here you might want to check on. (Phobos)

It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.

There is what we desire to do, and what we are able to do. When those two things don't coincide, which path should we pursue to find happiness?

China is not a great idea: capitalism and a dictator. It's like the two worst possible things you could imagine together. It's a very bad idea.

The truly incredible thing is were realizing that you can perform a two-and-a-half-hour gig without being high and still have a fantastic time.

The separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of American democracy for over two hundred years. Getting rid of it was long overdue.

When you're building a business or joining a company you have to be transparent, you can't have two sets of information for two sets of people.

The fact is that, unless you are very good, most first movies are too long, and you lose your rhythm and your audience over two or three hours.

I only ever take one picture of one thing. Literally. Never two. So then that picture is taken and then the next one is waiting somewhere else.

Ability is of little account without opportunity. I have very rarely met with two o'clock in the morning courage: I mean instantaneous courage.

When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes.

I had pecs for about two days. Everyone would hate me. Just look at me walking around with my little peacoat on. My little customized pea coat.

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