In relationship there are always two types of person: one weaker and the other stronger one. It's never easier to live being as weaker one!

Shoe Suede Blues opened for the Monkees in the 1997 reunion tour for two shows. I went out in disguise when I played with Shoe Suede Blues.

Advice number one: listen to your gut - it's never gonna lead you wrong. Number two: trust yourself. The root of everything is self-belief.

And whereas [Donald] Trump let two or three hanging curveballs go by, [Mike] Pence will not, unless they have a strategy to let them go by.

Dancing is like making love. It has to be a harmony; it has to be about two bodies. When one is like, "I am the good one," it doesn't work.

I think the two issues, racism and chauvinism, are linked. Look at how much weaker was support for U.S. actions in Iraq among black people.

Don't forget that the only two things people read in a story are the first and last sentences. Give them blood in the eye on the first one.

I have always believed that chemistry can't be created between two people. You either have it or you don't. The script can only enhance it.

Anyone that wants the presidency so much that he'll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.

It seems the baseball player of today will not be satisfied until he plays two weeks in the big league and is able to retire at twenty-two.

I was walking an average of about two and a half miles a day, which is still more than most Americans. Most Americans don't even walk that.

You do it with your own two hands, so there's a sense of pride. You really do forget all our problems, because you're focusing on the food.

Technology is ruled by two types of people: those who manage what they do not understand, and those who understand what they do not manage.

There's two to wash, two to dry; There's two who argue, two who cry; There's two to kiss, two to hug; and best of all, there's two to love!

2+2=5 wasn't intentional. I thought you carry a 1 every time there are two 2's in an equation. I'm not stupid, the mathematicians is stupid

When hiring key employees, there are only two qualities to look for: judgement and taste. Almost everything else can be bought by the yard.

She was wearing a canary-yellow two-piece bathing suit, one piece of which she would not actually be needing for another nine or ten years.

There are only two kinds of men who become dentists. The ones who love it and ones who get miserable. Think round and you'll see I'm right.

Putting babies as young as two weeks into child care for the first year of their life, for 60 hours a week, will cause their brains damage.

I know how many days in which I have just answered e-mail, had three phone calls and a two hour lunch. Poof, gone. They are not infrequent.

The two hemispheres of the brain are two very different places and they don't share any cell bodies. They are completely separate entities.

Everyone has two memories. The one you can tell and the one that is stuck to the underside of that, the dark, tarry smear of what happened.

I must analyze, from what I do now, what will be the impact two or three or five years in the future. What is the statement I want to make?

The people say that the two seemed to be removed from human experience; that they had gone through pain and had come out on the other side.

I've only had two rules: Do all you can and do it the best you can. It's the only way you ever get that feeling of accomplishing something.

In this age of micro-blogging and two second sound bites, almost no one has the attention span, or time, to read more than a few sentences.

I am still in love with couture because it is just two months from drawing pad to runway so everything on the catwalk is hot from the oven.

And maybe you should stop pitying yourself,” he said. “Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two.

My youth coach told me he'd got these two great 15-year-olds. I told him I don't want to know, because by the time they're 18 I'll be dead.

Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel. It is like being in a republic.

There are two worlds we live in: a material world, bound by the laws of physics, and the world inside our mind, which is just as important.

A debate has one purpose, one purpose only, and that is to facilitate the exchange of ideas directly between two candidates, and that's it.

I was interested in cross-pollinating the two. I thought there was something lovely in the little vignette forms. I wanted to explore that.

This is what love was supposed to feel like.This perfect immersion of two people who were ready and willing to become a part of each other.

I'm rather old-fashioned about this video business. It's all relatively new. We really don't do videos, Fleetwood Mac. We've only done two.

We measured our success not just by how much money we made, but by how much we contributed to the community. It was a two-part bottom line.

In fact I try to spend at least one, if not two days without ever leaving my room. Because if I didn't, when would I recharge my batteries?

Any time you get two people in a room who disagree about anything, the time of day, there is a scene to be written. That's what I look for.

Do not keep company with a fool for as we can see he is a two-legged beast. Like an unseen thorn he pierces the heart with his sharp words.

If you accept it to be natural and normal to be gay then it follows it is not right for two folk who love each other to be denied marriage.

Rather than look at a marriage as two people morphing into one thing, you could see two individuals who are choosing to form a partnership.

Two hundred or more years ago most people on the planet were never aware of any reality other than the one into which they were brought up.

I was brought up by two extremely intelligent people who gave me the greatest gift that man can give anyone, and that is freedom from fear.

I've never made the separation between, say, the museum and the hardware store. I mean, I enjoy both of them, and I want to combine the two.

I was collecting Barbies. I know... embarrassing. I sold them all on eBay, and traded them for vintage dishes. So I've collected two things.

One of the strangest things about writing well is that it requires two different zones in the brain--rigor and recklessness--simultaneously.

Without love I mean nothing to you Without love broken in two Without love give me some value some worth Without love no life left on earth.

He is the very Janus of poets; he wears almost everywhere two faces; and you have scarce begun to admire the one, ere you despise the other.

There are only two things in which the false professors of all religions have agreed--to persecute all other sects and to plunder their own.

I do think how two people dance with each other is indicative of how they feel about each other. It can tell a lot more than a verbal scene.

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