I was two votes away from class clown in high school.

I had to do two roles in two days, I'm in a hairflux.

Whoever envisions not one but two series in New York?

Television has a real problem. They have no page two.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

If you play more than two chords, you're showing off.

The goal of winning is not losing two times in a row.

I would rather smoke one cigar than hear two sermons.

I travel all the time, and I have two small children.

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love.

I don't try to make 15 musicians sound like two each.

I love to produce, and I've directed two short films.

Two full time-outs. I could eat lunch with that long.

The motorcycle black madonna Two wheeled gypsy queen.

Los Angeles: Seventy-two suburbs in search of a city.

Nobody had beheld the gravitation of the two into one

The those two great medicines: Diet and Self-Control.

The ways are two: love and want of love. That is all.

Two people can form a community by excluding a third.

I'm nutty bunny number two. I love me and I love you.

We should never finish a 20 year program in two year.

Don't get me wrong, I love my first two albums a lot.

Observing and understanding are two different things.

I think with every writer there are two people there.

My life was split by two worlds, but he kept me whole.

If you gotta kill two birds, might as well get stoned.

Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.

Bigamy is the only crime where two rites make a wrong.

One shouldn’t be only two photographers but thousands.

One or two of their players aren't getting any younger

The only two things that scare me are God and the IRS.

Music and soccer. They would be my two major passions.

The wall around the window does not create two worlds.

Gimme: an agreement between two losers who can't putt.

We panic if there's two centimeters of snow in London.

I am two fools, I know, For loving, and for saying so.

The two heart-grey puddles: two mouthsfull of silence.

I have two iPhones, one for day and one for the night.

The British are coming. One if by land, two if by sea.

Mississippi State has two pretty looking quarterbacks.

There are only two mantras, yum and yuck, mine is yum.

I love Germany so much I'm glad there are two of them.

Two days in this city is worth two months in New York.

Fiji had experienced the ordeal of two military coups.

That's right, kid. Never play an ace if a two will do.

Have I had two roads, I would have chosen their third.

Two sparrows on one Ear of Corn make an ill agreement.

I'm passionate about two things: Jesus and liberation.

Music and the music business are two different things.

I've missed half or two-thirds of my children's lives.

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