No one is a poet from eight to twelve and from two to six. Whoever is a poet is one always, and continually assaulted by poetry.

The last five or six days, I've been running. The last two days, I've been running pretty hard. Everybody's got to be someplace.

I am a competitive figure skater. I've been doing that for the same amount of time I've been doing acting. Ever since I was two.

The IEA forecasts that production from oilfields, which have started production up to 2011, will nearly drop two-thirds by 2035.

A building has at least two lives - the one imagined by its maker and the life it lives afterward - and they are never the same.

To reach the goals of your life, you need discipline, you need luck and you need something as important as these two: Vacations!

The two most important tools an architect has are the eraser in the drawing room and the sledge hammer on the construction site.

The Notebook ... that’s my favorite one. I’ve read that book 30 times. It gives a true depiction of two people that are in love.

For over two thousand years it has been the custom among earnest moralists to decry happiness as something degraded and unworthy

Love means the art of being with others. Meditation means the art of being with yourself. Both are two aspects of the same coin.

There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?'

It takes two to make a murder. There are born victims, born to have their throats cut, as the cut-throats are born to be hanged.

Some are skeptical. My mom thought the guitar was going to fizzle out in two weeks, that it was just a fad-and that was in 1958.

A fully equipped duke costs as much to keep up as two Dreadnoughts, and dukes are just as great a terror - and they last longer.

I tried for about two semesters in a preparatory seminary. But I was about 15 and didn't fully understand what a vocation means.

I'm 74 years old and even though I may be a bit of a rascal, 33 girls in two months seems to me too much even for a 30-year-old.

We will have more crises and none of them will look like this because no two crises have anything in common except human nature.

Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love.

I am actually going to two therapists right now. I don't know, I actually feel like therapy has just made me more uncomfortable.

I wonder if you encountered this dictum first spoken by a twentieth-century statesman: "An abyss cannot be crossed in two steps.

There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.

Disregarding the value of religion and believing in egalitarianism are two misconceptions that cause America much trouble today.

There are Two Secrets to Success: 1. Don't tell ANYONE Everything you know 2.If you have to ask what Jazz is, you'll never know.

Bloody men are like bloody buses - you wait for about a year and as soon as one approaches your stop two or three others appear.

Neither happiness nor grief are everlasting in this life - but one of the two is everlasting in the next. Which one do you want?

What I learned very quickly is that if you get it right in the first two or three takes, it's not going to get that much better.

The real killers in the business world aren't the ones who aim for the top, it's the ones who aim for two notches below the top.

Obamacare comes to more than two thousand pages of rules, mandates, taxes, fees, and fines that have no place in a free country.

I like Mercedes because my wife has been in two big accidents and emerged without a scratch, thanks to the safety of these cars.

Whoever coined the phrase, killing two birds with one stone, not only hated birds but also thought we needed to conserve stones.

When you suffer a loss, there is before the death and after the death - those become your two existences and your two realities.

Abstraction and representation are supposed to be going down two very different paths, one sociological and the other aesthetic.

I don't really have any women in my life, actually those two - the women in my life are two married women who work at my office.

Memories aren't stored in the heart or the head or even the soul, if you ask me, but in the spaces between any given two people.

This golfer has a wicked slice. And quite a follow-through. That's why his partner, who stood too close, Is on the green in two.

Music has a lot in com­mon with math­e­mat­ics. But in music, two and two need not make four: they add up to what­ever you wish.

There are two things that people [are surrounded by and] avoid trying to understand. One is music, and the other is electricity.

I often think that a slightly exposed shoulder emerging from a long satin nightgown packs more sex than two naked bodies in bed.

There are two ways to increase your wealth. Increase your means or decrease your wants. The best is to do both at the same time.

It was a pretty posh place. They were so used to fur coats that two bears strolled in and ordered lunch and nobody even noticed.

Create accomplishment from disappointments. Demoralization and disappointment are two of the surest going stones to achievement.

Worship has a two-fold aspect...we lift Him up and exalt Him, and as a result are drawn into His presence where He speaks to us.

There are two things I eat that I know I shouldn't: chocolate and ice cream. You only live once, so I am going to eat chocolate.

I go through about two Fender mediums a night because I don't pick straight down; it's sort of sideways, and it shaves them off.

Truth and love are two of the most powerful things in the world; and when they both go together they cannot easily be withstood.

I started performing at two or three on a tape recorder, one of those little flat recorders where you just push play and record.

How was I supposed to know that you let two little bears hurt you, Goldilocks?" "Ah, yes, that mouth. I missed it. All mine now.

I miss the $2 bill, 'cause I can break a two. $20, no. $10, no. $5, maybe, $2? Oh yeah. What do you need, a one and another one?

If you have two coats you have stolen one. We have no right to have more than we need when someone else has less than they need.

Machines deprive us of two things which are certainly important ingredients of human happiness, namely, spontaneity and variety.

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