This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years.

I didn't see any Broadway till I was in my late twenties.

Fifteen cents of every twenty-cent stamp goes for storage.

I have been dying for twenty years, now I am going to live.

I first read 'Madame Bovary' in my teens or early twenties.

Marijuana is ten times more dangerous than twenty years ago.

You go through so many changes, especially in your twenties.

When I was in my twenties, I would always read my horoscope.

One look that works is better than twenty lines of dialogue.

What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who died?

In your mid-twenties, the paint is still wet on who you are.

You moan, "She left me." "He left me," Twenty more will come.

The twenty-first century will be spiritual or it will not be.

Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late.

Learning teacheth more in one year than experience in twenty.

My twenties were entirely taken up with literature. Entirely.

Photography is truth...and cinema is truth 24 times a second.

To me, a yummy mummy is a mum in her twenties, like Donna Air.

Our kids are in their twenties now, which is a wonderful time.

Twenty to one offend more in writing too much than too little.

With a recent birthday, I've been acting now for twenty years.

What can she possibly teach you, twenty seven names for tears?

So it's probably eighty percent luck and twenty percent skill.

The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.

A man of fifty looks as old as Santa Claus to a girl of twenty.

Now, of my threescore years and ten, Twenty will not come again.

One year of life is worth more than twenty years of hibernation.

My church accepts all denominations - fivers, tenners, twenties.

At twenty-one, so many things appear solid, permanent, untenable.

Not everybody comes out when they're in their twenties, you know?

It’s a world where high school students look roughly twenty-four.

It took me some twenty-plus years to really learn how to program.

I look back at my twenties and see that I was much less confident.

Youth is something very new: twenty years ago no one mentioned it.

We're in our twenties and we don't know anything and it's awesome.

Friends are the twenty-first-century version of extended families.

I went through all my twenties thinking that I wasn't good enough.

At twenty, men love woman; at thirty, a woman; and at forty, women.

God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

School buildings should be opened and used twenty four hours a day.

No sinner is ever saved after the first twenty minutes of a sermon.

After twenty years you can begin to be sure of what camera will do.

Well, I will find you twenty lascivious turtles ere one chaste man.

Were they beautiful? We were all beautiful. We were in our twenties.

I don't lose my temper often; about once every twenty years perhaps.

Yes I do like children ... Girl children...about eighteen or twenty.

Skepticism? Yes, but a saint is a skeptic once in twenty-four hours.

The twenty-first century is, and will remain, the Age of Insecurity.

As for us, during twenty years' reign, we have known much bitterness.

If coming up with ten ideas sounds too hard, then come up with twenty.

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