It's TV shows like 'Buffy' and 'Angel' that usually have an incredible cliffhanger every commercial break that amaze me.

With 'Girls,' it doesn't really feel like I'm doing TV specifically. It just feels like we're making a really long film.

The question for me was, could TV actually teach? I knew it could, because I knew 3-year-olds who sang beer commercials!

Language from songs and TV shows feel integral because it helps to create the environment and describe the full picture.

I revisit old favorites like 'Buffy' and 'Battlestar Galactica' when I'm bored. I am obsessed with 'Scandal.' I love TV.

Any job ends up with stress, and certainly there's always a deadline looming when you work in TV. It's sort of constant.

When you do a TV show, there's always the fear that it will become tired and you'll know exactly what's going to happen.

You cant get a contemporary story about what is going on inside government, and how society sees itself, on American TV.

People are so different in reality from the picture created of them on TV. So it's all a creation; everything is made up.

Watch TV or something." That's what the note says. So I say to myself, Fine. But I think I'll do the "or something" part.

I thought, 'If you're going to be on TV, and if you're going to be out and glamorous, the natural look can stay at home.'

Playing the villain gets you higher ratings on reality TV and saying outrageous stuff on Twitter gets you more followers.

Five years ago, I wasn't getting questions [about blogs and the internet] from the TV/radio critic of the New York Times.

TV is a major force in our lives - a FORCE. It must be handled very carefully, both its censure and its artistic honesty.

When they tried me out as a host on TV, I found that I just couldn't be that gregarious person. I was stranger than that.

Stage actors look down on movie actors, movie actors look down on TV actors, and TV actors look down on... mass murderers.

Why not pick up the new full-length motion picture at the corner drugstore and then run it through one's home TV receiver?

You know, you never say never because before I did 'ER,' I always said 'I'll never do a TV series,' so that's what I said.

So often in TV, when you have an antagonist who's supposed to be the 'big baddie,' it's so easy for them to become cliched.

I don't think the women in the TV series are really like that. It's certainly not my personal experience of New York women.

Hard to argue with a woman, period. Only time a man wins with one of them is when the woman is either on TV or dead. (Jack)

Eat without the TV going on. Learn to appreciate food with only the entertainment of conversation-yours and someone else's.

When I started in film, I was living and working in Asia, and when we did films there, it was so fast. It was much like TV.

I have a hard time watching myself! Usually I do the work, and then I leave it. So I pretend like I'm not on TV every week.

TV spots are short. If you can't hold folks' attention for 20 seconds before revealing the brand, find another line of work.

Of all the disciplines involved in making anything - TV, film or anything I do - the writing is the most valuable commodity.

The same big TV antenna dwarfed each roof, as though life here could only be bearable if lived elsewhere in the imagination.

People will keep the TV on even if a show is on that they hate - because, unfortunately, they've been programmed to do that.

What right does a politician have to tell me what I can and cannot watch? Change the channel if you don't like what's on TV!

When I am in a hotel, and I turn off the lights and the TV, I just freak out. I turn the TV back on and don't get any sleep.

My husband wanted one of those big-screen TVs for his birthday. So I just moved his chair closer to the one we have already.

The only prejudice I've found anywhere in TV is in some advertising agencies, and there isn't so much prejudice as just fear.

One of the tricks that you have to learn, with episodic TV, is you don't know how many years you're going to be blessed with.

The music business looks like, you know, innocent schoolboys compared to the TV business. They care about nothing but profit.

Having a clone would make it so much easier - it would be great to send a clone to a TV station when I have to get up at 4am.

I'm definitely curious. I love pop culture. I'm glued to it. I can watch garbage TV, but then I can also watch great theater.

Now, as a comic, if you're vaguely amusing you can go straight into TV, then you play the O2 and then everyone's sick of you.

Some newspapers have a hands-off policy on favored politicians. But it's generally very small newspapers or local TV stations.

I'm a very simple man. You've got to have, like, a computer nowadays to turn the TV on and off... and the nightmare continues.

Pornography is any act that has no artistic merit and causes sexual thoughts...Sounds like almost every commercial on TV to me.

I was very dirty; I was a very dirty comic. There was no way I would have gotten on TV with the act I had when I first started.

In the middle of Beaches there's a scene from the "Laverne & Shirley" TV show so they see some history of my work in each film.

TV has the longest recall. You remember what you've seen for longer; it has engagement and emotion. It's the most talked about.

The whole thing about doing TV is that you never know what's going to happen. You just have to go with it and go with the flow.

I'm a much more chill person now that I know who I am and know my own voice, so I don't really get nervous with live TV at all.

So I do have to work, you know, and I find as many movies and TV shows that I can, because otherwise I wouldn't have an income.

With TV, you don't know, but you can build it as you go and bring some things to life. It's malleable, changeable and flexible.

When I saw Tyson knocking everybody out on TV, I thought, He's goooood. But when I saw him in person, he didn't look as awesome.

A good biography is the richest experience. When you watch a TV series together with someone is like being in a novel with them.

Europe was a horrible place. There was nothing on TV. The food was terrible. And they don't even have ice. Who doesn't have ice?

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