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Michael Landon was the biggest influence. As a child, I watched him write, direct, star, and produce a TV show every week. He showed me what was possible.
With video games, imagine it's not locked - it's a TV show people can reach in and do this and do that, and you need to have dialog for all of that stuff.
It's bizarre, that feeling as an actor, at being in the mecca of the film world and seeing billboards for a TV show that you're in pretty much everywhere.
When you're shooting a TV show, sometimes it's more about, like, the blocking: it's usually - it's really fast. 'Walk here, walk here, walk and talk here.'
I forget sometimes that I'm in the HBO stable because I am such a fan of so much of their programming. Like, 'The Wire' is my favorite TV show of all time.
For me, for every single job, I don't care if it is a reading, I don't care if it is a guest spot on a TV show, or a film. I always get the heebie jeebies.
When I look at my body, I'm like, 'I'm a lead of a TV show?' To have a man in the business say, 'Come along just as you are,' is really an incredible thing.
I always just try to remind myself, like, at the end of the day, no matter how much pressure it is to be a TV show host, you still get to be a TV show host.
I have fond memories of my childhood. I spent five wonderful years on a popular TV show, but I didn't have a normal childhood. I was tutored for grades 4-11.
People always ask us, 'When are you guys gonna do a movie? When are you gonna do a TV show?' And to me, that feels like such a step backwards from where are.
The movie, if I recall, didn't have to do with the television show because there were concerns from everyone that they didn't want it to be like the TV show.
I've had inquiries for things like TV show 'Splash,' where people go out in front of the whole nation in a bikini. But I think bikinis are just for the beach.
When I watch a TV show I wouldn't notice if someone was Muslim or wearing a hijab. It's nice to be on a show where your skin colour or religion is incidental.
I really love writing, but I am very easily distracted: my two cats fighting, a rainbow, a TV show... I have to use every trick to keep myself at the computer.
When you have a TV show, and you're selling out 10,000 seats or whatever the hell it is, it's not that it becomes easy. It's just that's what your life is like.
I believe if you can have an open dialogue about anything, whether it's a book or a movie or TV show, it's this door that suddenly opens your mind to new ideas.
When I was 13, my mom checked me into a modeling agency. Then, out of nowhere, they asked me to audition for a TV show, which I did, and I got going from there.
I was on a TV show about dancers for two and a half seasons called 'Bunheads' on ABC Family, and that was really fun for me because I'm a dancer in a real life.
I did a reality TV show in London called 'I'd Do Anything,' and when I got put in the program, they said, 'What is your ultimate dream?' and I said, 'Broadway.'
I never thought I would get into acting. I was studying computer applications in Delhi and that was when I got selected for my first TV show and came to Mumbai.
To go from Girl, Interrupted, where I had to cry every day, to a TV show like West Wing where I get to laugh and joke around every day, has been a welcome relief.
You can make a feature that makes millions but only so many people see it. With a hit TV show, every week you'll have 16 million - 20 million people watching you.
There are some times where being on the shows are great. Sometimes it's hard, when it's just like, 'the show must go on,' and there's a TV show that's being done.
If I hadn't been famous, I would not have been invited on the TV show where I met my husband Sven and had my lovely boys. I would not have had the life I have now.
I think being on a TV show is amazing but also, people get kind of used to seeing you a certain way and so it becomes a challenge to break free from that in a way.
You might be the leader of the team, but without the rest of the team, you're not doing anything. I think that's the way I look at my job as the lead of a TV show.
I find myself hoping I can get on a TV show, and then people from Oklahoma will come to my restaurant. Then I'll be able to make enough money to open my own place.
When I was making short films for the TV show 'Naalaya Iyakunar,' I wasn't just competing but making films that I could potentially show at international festivals.
I meet many people, I talk with them, like a TV show host. I show what's going on with Greenpeace, interesing political things, I have artists, musicians and bands.
Growing up, I remember watching TV, and I didn't see a lot of people who looked like me, especially someone who passed as a glamorous model on a mainstream TV show.
I want to be read. When you write a TV show like 'The Wire,' you've got three to four million readers watching your work. Even Grisham doesn't sell that many books.
That TV show, 'After Thought,' is really exciting. It's a cross between 'Inception' and 'CSI' that I'm working on with Melissa Rosenberg from the 'Twilight' movies.
The best thing as a director is being able to be part of the thing that's so cool about a TV show, like running a character arc over six episodes or multiple series.
I can't do anything I want to. I mean, I can't have my own TV show. I can't have my own movie. But within my little world, nobody tells me what to put on the albums.
My dream scenario would be to partner with a huge media conglomerate, an NBC Universal or a Fox, and help give me a platform on television and help get me a TV show.
I don't want to sound pretentious, but you could hire a bunch of monkeys to be on a TV show, and if it's successful, then everything's perfect and everybody's happy.
Nothing is more enjoyable for me than when I'm watching a movie or a TV show and there's that sense that anything can happen. It is the most fun feeling in the world.
Music is everything to me. It's the heart and soul of a movie or TV show to me because it can be such an injection of tone, and I think tone is everything to a story.
For me, as an actor, one of the biggest fears on a TV show is getting stuck in something where you end up feeling like you're doing the same thing, every single year.
When you go in and guest-star on a TV show, they already have their family - everybody pretty much knows everybody, and everyone sort of has that base already formed.
I have such a soft spot for the really cheesy zombie movies, but if I had to pick a really good one, I'd have to go with an actual TV show and say 'The Walking Dead'.
You know, if a TV show dropped into my lap out of the blue, I would have a hard time turning it down because there just isn't the money in theater that there is on TV.
I always wanted to be on a great TV show and in a Broadway show and have a CD out, and the fact that they happened simultaneously is kind of an embarrassment of riches.
I don't want to be one of those rappers who had it, but right now they be on a TV show to keep them going. I would rather be out the scene, getting my money on Bitcoin.
Voice work is really fun and challenging. I like learning different skills and different styles, and this is definitely different from doing a play or a filmed TV show.
Just like I tell my daughters, first impressions are important, so once it's out there, whether it's a picture or a TV show, it's there; it's gonna be out there forever.
The first audition I went out on was because my father was on an audition for a TV show called the 'Gilmore Girls,' and that kind of snowballed a lot of stuff in my life.
After 'NewsRadio,' I did say to my agent, 'If I get another TV show, I'd want to do a drama.' Then I got offered the part on 'ER,' and I was on that show for eight years.
I left 'How I Met Your Mother' and jumped right onto an episode of 'S.H.I.E.L.D.,' the TV show. I wrapped, and the next day I was on set shooting 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'
I don't think anyone who runs a TV show would ever say to you, 'I have a grasp on running a TV show.' Maybe that's not true. Maybe there are people that do. I don't know.