I don't want them (religious followers) trying to inflict their belief on me.

That's a big goal of mine, to try and grow as much of my own food as possible

What I'm trying to do is be as honest as I can, and I don't normally do that.

It is the false shame of fools to try to conceal wounds that have not healed.

To be an influencer, you have to love people before you can try to lead them.

Be reasonable. I know you can be. If you try very, very hard.” - Al to Rachel

I try to do something physical every day. I don't go heavy every day, though.

A comedy club is a place where you work out material, you're trying material.

Let it be whatever it will be. Give up trying to manipulate. This is Freedom.

I'm just trying to stay aggressive and mix things up enough to be successful.

I'm always trying to turn things upside down and see if they look any better.

Every day set the simple goal of trying to be more awake and less distracted.

Stuff with a group, stuff where there are other people around, I'll try that.

Try to achieve the impossible and direct your people to ways of achieving it.

Sometimes the greatest wounds are the ones we try the hardest not to inflict.

If you try to pull too much power through too soon, you will injure yourself.

Life is difficult. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something.

If you're not being rejected regularly - maybe you're not trying hard enough.

I definitely try to mix humour into anything I do, even if it is into a drama.

Never try to pull someone up who doesn't want it...they'll just pull you down.

I try to be kind to people, to treat them with respect. And I'm proud of that.

A monoculture is not only Hollywood, but Americans trying to export democracy.

I definitely want to get out of tennis and try something completely different.

Just keep clear mind, go straight ahead, try, try, try for ten thousand years.

The makers of entertainment must try, in our field, to be honest and grown-up.

Look, I'm not odd. I'm just trying to be an actor; not a movie star, an actor.

Look, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, sometimes you need a bit of luck.

When your mind tries to verify a preconceived notion you can miss the obvious.

I always try to find the positives in losing a match but it's not always easy.

Life is a short affair; We should try to make it smooth, and free from strife.

I try to keep a low profile in general. Not with my art, but just as a person.

Courage is a self-inflicted quality that gains momentum every time you try it.

I have now spent over a year trying to figure where in the workplace I belong.

Life’s greatest tragedy consists of men and women who earnestly try, and fail!

I don't know why I always end up talking about my relationships. I try not to.

Never try to fool children, they expect nothing, and therefore see everything.

Don't try to create and analyze at the same time. They're different processes.

It's better to go out like a man, trying, than to play it safe and get second.

All that writers can do is keep trying to say what is deepest in their hearts.

I mean, I love to try and cook. I'm pretty good, but I'm not saying I'm great.

Every time somebody calls me out or tries to start something, it's motivation.

Lots of comics try stuff out all year round, which is very sensible - I don't.

I always try to entertain folks with good clean fun and stories from my youth.

The only way to beat the competition is to stop trying to beat the competition

I try to counter what Donald Trump says that might have an effect on somebody.

My only two constants are to challenge myself and to try not to repeat myself.

I don't have to go around trying to save everybody anymore; that's not my job.

When something has been perfect, there is a tendency to try hard to repeat it.

I'd choose truth over cake but I'd try to find a way to get both to be honest.

I always try to make my characters people, and yet I always want to entertain.

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