If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance

No mistake or failure is as bad as to stop and not try again.

Bella, would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?

Because we're trying, because we want, it's very hard to get.

Thus we try to keep our heroes alive; hence we remember them.

I try to take care of myself, and I lead a healthy lifestyle.

When you lose, you get up, you make it better, you TRY AGAIN.

I try to write my own music. It's a good way of de-stressing.

If you don't get it the first time, back up and try it again.

Yet we must try the harder, the less the prospect of success.

Whenever you have something nice someone will try to ruin it.

I try my hardest to do what I have to do to make my team win.

Uh, folks, I think that’s our boat trying to kill us. (Scott)

With a hundred ways to do a dozen things, why not try it all?

You cannot make a socialist revolution without really trying.

Take some exercise, try to recover the look of a human being.

Why should I try to make you believe the things I believe in?

I'm just playing ball. Trying not to think about it too much.

By trying to understand everything, everything makes me dream

As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.

As an artist you need to move on, you need to try new things.

I made this list of stuff that it's time for me to try to do.

I really do try to let the identity or voice inside come out.

I just try not to judge. Dont judge me, and I wont judge you.

We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out.

We were going to kill ourselves in trying to kill each other.

Try novelties for salesman's bait, For novelty wins everyone.

I'll die propped up in bed trying to do a poem about America.

. . . don't rewrite unless you know what you're trying to do.

I'm always consciously trying to make what I feel is missing.

I'm not trying to be different. To me, I'm just being myself.

They say you waste time asleep, but I'm just trying to dream.

My wife and I try not to get into each other's work too much.

I try not to have regrets and to learn from every experience.

I think most people can do a whole lot more if they just try.

If I could still play, I would be trying. It's been 15 years.

Life is a gift, and i try to respond with grace and courtesy.

I try not to brand myself 'weird' any more because it sticks.

If you want to learn about an organization, try to change it.

I avoid long layoffs and I try to stay in shape at all times.

Don't get angry. Try not to speak roughly or use harsh words.

I'm not really thinking much... Just sort of, trying to feel.

I struggle with trying to be a good pastor of a large church.

Try to make the time frame the minimum the story will permit.

Everyone should try to scratch their name on the bomb of life.

It is not our job to work miracles, but it is our task to try.

I try never to wear my own clothes, I pretend I'm someone else

The world is full of little dictators trying to run your life.

I never stop looking for things to try and make myself better.

I've been trying to work on my positioning and defensive game.

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