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Trust me, it has been anything but easy to make it as an actor.
When I feel that people trust me, I'm prepared to do everything.
If I score against Tottenham, trust me - I'm going to celebrate.
Trust me, there is no formula for most things that are not math.
Trust me, he whispers against my lips. Maggie, you're my paradise.
My teammates trust me to put the ball in the basket when it counts.
Trust me, I am proud of our country. I will never be ashamed of it.
Trust me when I tell you, Eaton boy, that resisting is worth doing.
Either we're a team or we aren't. Either you trust me or you don't.
You don't want to see me dance. That's not a pretty thing. Trust me.
Trust me, never devote 100 per cent of your time and space to a man.
My family supports me, since they trust me not to do anything wrong.
I don't want you to trust me, I want you to question everything I say.
Trust me: if I had something interesting to say about myself, I would.
If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?
Trust means we always have questions that we don't have the answers to.
My mother was sarcastic and delightful and, trust me, quite remarkable.
I am all for the iPad, but trust me - smelling it will get you nowhere.
Trust me: Every entrepreneur has felt like an utter loser at some point.
Trust me, if I were gay I'd be getting more action than I'm getting now.
We've got a long career ahead of us and it's going to be great. Trust me.
You trust me?" Eric sounded surprised. "Yes." "That's . . . crazy, Sookie.
The worst situations in the world always start with the words, 'trust me.'
I always say to audiences of men: "Cooperation beats submission. Trust me."
I know the coaches definitely trust me and my ability to throw the football.
I don't vote for the guy I trust. I vote for the guy who trusts me the most.
You can trust me to keep my word. I always keep my word, promises or threats.
If you think we'll get in, we'll get in. It's all about confidence, trust me.
Trust me, I'm telling you stories. ... I can change the story. I am the story.
Take anything seriously in life, and you set yourself up for peril - trust me.
My teammates trust me; they know I make the right plays. I'm not a selfish guy.
As I have said, you have no reason to trust me, and an excellent reason not to.
Trust me--with women worth the being won, The softest lover ever best succeeds.
It's good to actually cry. Trust me, I've had a lot of practice over the years!
Trust me-that toilet and me were best friends for the first few days I was here.
I'm not asking the public to trust me; I'm asking the public to trust themselves.
Trust me, you have to fight. When people are wrong, you've got to let them know it.
Then you will have to trust me. Beyond logic, beyond reason, beyond hope, trust me.
I don't smile all the time. Trust me, there have been days when I have been a mess.
Conversation without you trying to be sexy can still come off as very sexy. Trust me!
I know it's a cliche, but trust me on this. I once dated a Canadian. Canada = boring.
I literally forget everything, and, trust me, that's the best thing that you can have.
Think positive, and don't listen to anyone telling you 'you can't.' You can. Trust me.
Stay here, baby" he whispers, like he can read my thoughts. "Trust me, okay? Don't run
Trust me, I have never written a speech in my life, and if I have my way, I never will.
Trust me, Wilbur. People are very gullible. They'll believe anything they see in print.
Virtue and sense are one; and, trust me, still A faithless heart betrays the head unsound.
Can you trust me, he said. Not will you. Can you. Can I trust him? What do I have to lose?
When are you going to trust me Max?" asked Fang. "When I go completely bonkers," I laughed.
Trust me, Stade is not a comfortable place to be if you're losing, regardless of the venue.