I have a trunk containing continents.

From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow.

My trunk, valises and my mind are overpacked.

Trunk steady knocking/ Floating through the sky, Mary Poppins.

There, there, baby. We'll hide her body in the trunk later. (Tory)

Our elders say that an elephant does not find its own trunk heavy.

We treat this world of ours as though we have a spare in the trunk.

And when I was in the trunk, I saw Jesus. And the Virgin Mary. And Ozzy Osbourne.

The axe of intemperance has lopped off his green boughs and left him a withered trunk.

I'm a nostalgic person and I really like rehashing and digging around the mental trunks.

Elves are like trees, grounded and focused from the trunk down but graceful and agile on top.

Eventually, everything gets stuck between a pair of parentheses or buried in the bottom of a trunk.

Friends aren't jumper cables. You don't throw them into the trunk and pull them out for emergencies.

I hear them playing Elvis, they on they way to Graceland. But they don't scare me, I'm in the trunk.

The mind is like a trunk: if well-packed, it holds almost every thing; if ill-packed, next to nothing.

They were steaming out of the station before Maia asked, 'Was it books in the trunk?' 'It was books, admitted Miss Minton. And Maia said, 'Good.

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