This feels like a Steve Bannon whispering in [Donald Trump's] ear.

I'm so happy to be Tiffany Trump, happy to be in the family I'm in.

God used Donald Trump in my life as much as I was used in his life.

Donald Trump and Senator Cruz have occasional Manichean tendencies.

Donald Trump doesn't have a plan. But he does have dangerous ideas.

Donald Trump does not understand the UK and what happens in the UK.

I trust Hillary Clinton about as far as I could throw Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has a grasp on what's important and what's marginalia.

Trump's not the future; his ideas and his coalition are a dead end.

Mitt Romney, both did better with the military than Donald [Trump].

Donald Trump just has always elevated women to the highest echelons.

Mom thinks I live in this dream world where everybody's Ivana Trump.

He [Donald Trump] makes himself look like an idiot every single day.

[Donald Trump] will try to renegotiate the trade deals a little bit.

Donald Trump lies with astonishing frequency and in stunning volume.

Donald Trump is proud of the fact that he's never written an e-mail.

Donald Trump is to traditional values what I am to marathon running.

If the world's gonna end, Trump's gonna have something to do with it.

Donald Trump has been rewriting the rules since he got into politics.

Like Trump, I would say that fake news is distributed 24 hours a day.

Trump's juvenilia stands in stark contrast to Obama's measured words.

I can hardly wait until Donald Trump announces his celebrity cabinet.

Donald Trump can say whatever he wants and his supporters don`t mind.

The Trump team recognizes the importance of the House Freedom Caucus.

Love him or hate him, no one has been able to figure out Donald Trump.

Donald Trump's language has been atrocious, his behavior toward women.

Donald Trump doesn't pose a single threat to the greatness of America.

Donald Trump's being authentic to what he ran on and what got elected.

Donald Trump is the greatest deal maker in the history of our country.

Donald Trump is not just a problem for the EU, but for the whole world.

I think that Donald Trump has capitalized and prayed on people's fears.

I wish I could talk like Donald Trump or Steve Wynn. Hell, I'd love it.

[Donald Trump] knows he's going to get hit, though. He's the president.

I have a sense of this man [Donald Trump]. I have a sense of his heart.

I think it's the entire Washington establishment that is against Trump.

If you are a man, I feel that practicality should always trump fashion.

The Trump World Tower was home growing up, and it's where my office is.

What do we get when the Donald exposes his enormous ass? A trump roast.

Apparently, the line you take on Israel trumps everything else in life.

I'm black, and I don't support Donald Trump in any way, shape, or form.

What's important here is that the Republicans agree with [Donald Trump].

He [Doanald Trump] had no business being president of the United States.

Like the others though,[Donald] Trump thrives when he has a clear enemy.

I think that [Donald] Trump is frankly a bigot. He has a racist history.

I don't know why someone would be dumb enough to challenge Donald Trump.

You know who has done a lot of questioning of generals? President Trump.

Donald Trump was appealing to a lot of people with his populist message.

The problem is that, you know, the corporate press loves [Donald Trump].

I would argue [Donald]Trump is the [Barack] Obama of this election cycle.

I think [Mike] Pence is going to represent [Donald] Trump extremely well.

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