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Every trick is an old one, but with a change of players, a change of dress, it comes out as new as before.
The trick to great romance is in overcoming adversity. In realizing that love is worth some uphill climbs.
To me, the trick is not how can I make people laugh. It is, how can I make people laugh in a different way.
I played football for 12 years, but I would always trick myself into exercise, like by taking a dance class.
I'm from Wisconsin so I always feel a little nauseous about begging and trying to trick people into liking me.
You don't beat football teams like Nebraska with a trick play. They're too well-coached, too well-disciplined.
If I start feeling down I'll gorge myself on pasta. That usually does the trick. It's the Italian blood in me.
Most tech companies do one trick and die. If you can do two or three or four, that's where wealth gets created.
Actors are able to trick themselves into treating anything as if it's fantastic. It's a kind of madness really.
The trick is to try and justify every word on the page and make sure my character is the man who would say that.
Magicians will always tell you the trick is the most important thing, but I'm more interested in telling a story.
The trick to techno, as a connoisseur, is that you got to do two things: keep your hands down and your mouth shut.
I am not a big vitamin-taker. I have vitamin C during the winter, but eating lots of fruit and veg does the trick.
All the kids are freaking out about Snapchat, so I'm hoping to trick them into thinking I know how to use it, too.
There is a marvelous turn and trick to British arrogance; its apparent unconsciousness makes it twice as effectual.
It's plain hokum. If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. It's an old political trick. But this time it won't work.
I would be too self-conscious if I just thought of writing lyrics for a song. I have to trick myself into doing it.
I felt old when I was young and I feel younger now. Maybe that's a trick of my mind, but I'm springier and lighter.
Mass market paperback thrillers are a dime a dozen. The trick is to find something that actually sticks to the ribs.
Sometimes you get players who are faster than you or who can trick you with some skill. Sometimes you make the foul.
Getting a gun should be easy for good people and impossible for bad people. The only trick is telling the difference.
I grew up in Iowa, so we had Cheap Trick come through a lot, but some of the other acts were a little harder to find.
Stay away from national polls. They are always an illusion. They will always trick you into stupid political behavior.
I'm a firm believer that character is highly overrated. Character is a trick that we do with the audience's collusion.
There isn't a single human being who hasn't plenty to cry over, and the trick is to make the laughs outweigh the tears.
If you look at Adele, the reason she did so well was she created great music. It wasn't about a clever marketing trick.
A trick for looking taller is to wear a top and pants in the same color family - and to hide heels underneath the pants!
I like working with an actor who doesn't do the oneupmanship. One who has no trick and gives a true, honest performance.
You can trick yourself into doing things by doing it one step at a time and never letting yourself see the overall picture.
Life's so unpredictable. You never know when the next high or low will strike you. The trick is just to flow with the tide.
It's the oldest trick in Washington - when presented with a policy solution you don't like, characterize it as the bogeyman.
A commission presenting evidence doesn't do a Jedi mind trick and make state legislators in some state suddenly pass a bill.
Being funny, it turns out, is like being a bank. It's a confidence trick. As long as everyone believes in you, you are fine.
Most Saiyans are born with a talent for battle, but they still need to be taught the trick behind flying and stuff like that.
Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity, than straightforward and simple integrity in another.
Every married man who wants peace in the relationship, should learn the trick to avoid that one question - 'How is the food?'
I was a lawyer for 10 years, and when you're in law, things really have to get done, or somebody sues you. It's a great trick.
We don't teach player development in that way, to be able to try to trick the officials or make sounds or jerk your head back.
The real trick to auditioning is just letting go of trying to please them. Make it your own. That took me a long time to learn.
I can kind of picture what I want to do and my body just does it. You feel your way through a trick. I close my eyes sometimes.
A little personal trick: apply brown eyeliner throughout the day and then just add a little black over the top for a night look.
No Ponzi schemer tells anyone exactly how it works. The purpose of a Ponzi scheme is to trick people, to take the money and run.
When I'm on the field, the trick I like to do most are stepovers. For me, it's a simple, beautiful dribble that also has a point.
The people who like my work, I know that I can't trick them into laughing someplace where there is not a genuine reason to laugh.
We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.
It can make you sad to look at pictures from your youth. So there's a trick to it. The trick is not to look at the later pictures.
There's always room for quality players in a team. The trick as a manager is to figure out how to bring the best out of your team.
The worst diets are ones that restrict your calories too much and try to trick your body. You have no energy, and it's ridiculous.
It's finding time for each other. That's the trick to any relationship, you know. Finding time to really be present for each other.
I feel like my secret magic trick that separates me from a lot of my peers is the bravery to be vulnerable and truthful and honest.