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I'm a geek - I read fantasy novels, I play 'World of Warcraft,' I'm a massive gamer, I have 'Star Trek' outfits.
I grew up, from ages 8 to 18, watching reruns of 'Star Trek' with my dad and my mom when they got home from work.
'Trek' is probably more cerebral and philosophical. 'Stargate' does seat-of-the-pants adventure and humor better.
By all standards, except for 'Star Trek' standards, 98 episodes of any television show is a wildly successful run.
No, the type-casting didn't happen until after Star Trek. I don't think that you get typecast until you've been cast!
I was a huge fan of the original 'Star Trek,' and I'd never even dreamed that I would someday be captain of a starship.
I'm sort of in for a penny, in for a pound with Star Trek, It's my life at this point. To deny it would just be foolish.
They get you to do a lot of stuff on 'Star Trek' by saying it's the first time this is ever gonna happen on 'Star Trek.'
'Star Trek' is still my signature role because once you do a 'Star Trek' series, it's never really out of the marketplace.
I think, back in the day, the ultimate trifecta was considered 'Harry Potter,' 'Lord of the Rings,' and maybe 'Star Trek.'
I think the hill one has to trudge in order to understand a man's baggage is more of a trek than I'd like to take right now.
'Star Trek' is about acceptance, and the strength of the Starship Enterprise is that it embraces diversity in all its forms.
It still frightens me a little bit to think that so much of my life was totally devoted to Star Trek and almost nothing else.
The message of 'Star Trek,' if there is one, seems to be that we should try to live up to the very best that we're capable of.
Why does everyone think the future is space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek?
I do like sci-fi, absolutely. I've watched everything from 'Star Trek' to 'Star Wars' to 'Terminator' - the list goes on and on.
It was a superlative joy of my long life to have worked with Leonard Nimoy, who became my friend, and many others at 'Star Trek.'
That was the great, great thing about 'Star Trek,' that it was a show that people could tune into at all sorts of different levels.
I was a huge 'Star Trek' fan. I loved the 'Twilight Zone' growing up. In the future, I hope to create some thoughtful, sci-fi drama.
Uh, I do not wear a wig in 'Star Trek' like I did in 'Bottle Shock,' thank God. 'Bottle Shock' will be the last wig movie I ever do.
As you know, when Star Trek was canceled after the second season, it was the activism of the fans that revived it for a third season.
All I ever wanted to do when I was a kid was be in a Broadway musical and to be in 'Star Trek,' and I can finally say I've done that.
People who go to concerts hear Beethoven's symphonies hundreds of times, but 'Star Trek' is recorded, so it's not played all the time.
The original 'Star Trek' series is the classic one. Its successor, 'The Next Generation,' is less lovable, but at its best, it's smarter.
I was like, 'Whoa, I'm auditioning for 'Hunger Games?' That's like my dream come true. That's like a Trekkie auditioning for 'Star Trek.'
I've always been a fan of science fiction. My family, we all used to watch 'Star Trek' together, which is kind of a nerdy family activity.
'Star Trek' never grabbed me. Every time I hear about Klingons, I think of those little lint balls that stick to your clothes in the dryer.
Having grown up on 'Star Trek,' I've had one great dream since childhood, and that is to see my life end somewhere other than here on Earth.
The harder we push forward into the unknown the more it intensifies the reflection of humanity. That's what I really love about 'Star Trek.'
In my proudest moments, I think I had a real hand in the creative force of making 'Star Trek.' But most of the time, I don't think about it.
I read a lot of fantasy and grew up on 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek.' I loved going to Middle Earth. 'Dungeons & Dragons' was a huge influence.
Usually, with 'Star Trek,' you always trust the captain. The captains are always going to pull us through; the captain's always going to win.
That's in the mission statement when you're part of 'Trek.' It's our job to try to be bold and push forward. You have to be conscious of that.
What's impressed me about 'Star Trek' fans is how many generations they span and how many nations they represent. They are all over the place.
There was a time that I did 'Up,' 'Star Trek' and 'Land of the Lost,' and I was working on 'Lost,' at the same time, and that was really hard.
I think the potential for man is so enormous, if we can stay alive long enough, we're going to be seeing a lot of what Star Trek is projecting.
It's more dangerous to be a friend or relative of Jackie Chan in the star's movies than it is to play the third yeoman on a 'Star Trek' episode.
If 'Trek' is a hit, we'd love to do a series of films - a regular event. Look at James Bond's films. They've been around since the early sixties.
Sci-fi always runs out a little bit ahead of reality, right? Automatic doors in 'Star Trek,' stuff like that. It all happened, didn't it, finally?
The wonderful thing about 'Star Trek' is that they're very open to suggestions for scripts and story ideas from the viewers. That's really unique.
'Star Trek' still - I'm kind of intrigued by the way that the standard foods of various non-humans are sometimes portrayed as downright disgusting.
I get called Harold the most. I think maybe 'Harold & Kumar' fans don't know my name, and 'Star Trek' fans do know my name... Harold fans are vocal!
'Star Trek Into Darkness' isn't that 'Star Trek' is going to be no fun, and dark. It's that the fun's going to be challenged by some serious issues.
When I grew up, my dad always used to watch 'Star Trek' and any and every sci-fi show you could imagine. I used to watch it with him, and I loved it.
Your body's made to run, to walk, to trek long distances and carry things, work in a forest, and hunt animals. You have to keep it alive to function.
'Star Trek' is notorious for looting the more thoughtful work of writers for their striking effects, leaving behind most of the thought and subtlety.
I did not have a very in-depth knowledge of 'Star Trek'. I'd seen a couple of the vintage episodes. I knew just about as much as anyone on the street.
I didn't realize it at first, but the Doctor is in the same spirit as those natural 'outsider' characters 'Star Trek' series have, like Spock and Data.
I was tired of writing for shows where there was always a shoot-out in the last act and somebody was killed. 'Star Trek' was formulated to change that.
It wasn't until the first season ended that I went to my first Star Trek convention. It was in Denver. There were two and a half thousand people there.