My hard work and excellent training entitled me to be a better actress than some of my competitors.

Providence was well aware what lay ahead for me, and my Capuchin training was to prepare me for it.

Today I know that physical training should have as much place in the curriculum as mental training.

The training of children is a profession, where we must know how to waste time in order to save it.

Boxing is a place where, if you haven't done the training, that's going to be exposed very quickly.

We didn't use the shuttle robot arm before, so this has been a training flow to get ready for that.

I've really enjoyed my time at Palace. The lads were brilliant; the gaffer and training were great.

We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves

I loved being back out on the pitch. Although I have not been in full training, I felt pretty good.

But the school in which good training is most practiced will, as a rule, turn out the best scholars.

Failure is the most important part of an artist's training, and one you cannot afford to do without.

I'm a product of good nutrition, cutting edge supplementation and hard training, and I'm an old guy.

Dogs are not people dressed up in fur coats, and to deny them their nature is to do them great harm.

Suffering prepares you by training you to trust God and know that He is always at work in your life.

Lack of Confidence, low Self-Esteem, and depleted Mojo are symptoms of inadequate Strength Training.

Training our mind through meditation does not mean forcibly subjugating it or beating it into shape.

I have a long history of looking at things from an investor's perspective by training and background.

My college training was primarily in theatre, with an eye to becoming a director, actor, or producer.

I just decided to make a movie. I had no training, no film school, but I had been to a lot of movies.

To be in good moral condition requires at least as much training as to be in good physical condition.

Patients reported that their psychedelic sessions were an invaluable experiential training for dying.

I (naively) thought university training would make you better in following what happens in the world.

I usually wear moulded boots for training, but I mainly wear studs in matches unless it s really dry.

When weak or injured always continue training as you should always be able to adapt in any condition.

I trained with an ex-Navy Seal. We shot a lot of guns. Real bullets... I underwent commando training.

It can be very dangerous to see things from somebody else's point of view without the proper training.

There's always things to get better at, and there's always stuff to learn when you come into training.

I trained my butt off and competed and got to where I wanted to be from rigorous training and dieting.

A player cannot be part of the training camp experience as a rookie unless he is signed to a contract.

Although I was raised Jewish, my upbringing didn't include any formal religious education or training.

Denzel has been that leading man, but it took him a while to get to Training Day and Hurricane Carter.

During the off-season, I try to increase my practice sessions, and I am also training with my coaches.

Pilates is an awesome cross-training exercise for any sport because it focuses on functional movement.

I have a bus that's 40 feet long. When I was in training camp, I was scared to fly, so I used the bus.

The gold medals from world championships and National Games prove the efficiency of my daily training.

Certainly the life of a dancer is very difficult. The training is very hard and relentlessly grueling.

I'm a big fan of HIIT training and you can do it anywhere; at home, in the garden or even in the park.

It's easy to get four days a week of training in and I don't spend more than 55-60 minutes in the gym.

I'm always training, whether I'm training my mind, or I'm training my body. I'm always doing something.

One becomes a beginner after 1000 days of training. One becomes a master after 10,000 days of practice.

Every child should be placed on a doorstep to sell something. It's the best possible training for life.

I am an earnest advocate of manual training and trade teaching for black boys, and for white boys, too.

He listens to his trainer real good. He just doesn't listen to me. I still can't get him to do nothing.

In my early years, I would travel 56 km. from home to the training institute and back every single day.

Even if you have a gift, it's nearly impossible to become a good actor in just a few weeks of training.

Sometimes I do yoga, sometimes it's kickboxing, sometimes it's weight training, sometimes it's Pilates.

Training to be a therapist teaches you to shut up and listen, and that is certainly useful as a writer.

I never did cross training or lifted weights or put anything between myself and my passion for running.

My land, the power of training! Of influence! Of education! It can bring a body up to believe anything.

There is no specialized art of prayer. All of life must be a training to pray. We pray the way we live.

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