I kind of fell into acting, but I have sung and trained since I was in the eighth grade.

I've trained under a lot of coaches and always picked up elements that develop a player.

I trained in theater. And I started in theater with my first two jobs doing stage plays.

I wasn't trained as a writer-director. And the projects I write are difficult to finish.

Nobody inspired me more than Julie Andrews, who is a classically trained soprano herself.

There's no second chance on stage, and I was trained to make the most of my first chance.

I don't use any techniques; I'm not trained to be an actor. I just enjoy working in films.

When I was young, I was trained in stage fighting and rapier and dagger for several years.

I trained in London as a classical actor, but you've no idea what way your career will go.

I am trained in theatre, and so I take time to study and get into the skin of a character.

Obviously, I'm not a trained actress, and right now I'll come out and say I'm glad I'm not.

I trained in theater. I loved Los Angeles, but I've found New York to be successful for me.

I've never formally trained in acting, so I'm very instinctual and visceral with decisions.

Prince, I think, trained amazing musicians to bring more to any musical table they come to.

I guess it wasn't really part of my story on 'Drag Race' but I'm a trained actor and singer.

All of the press and stuff - that's the scary stuff. The acting is what I got trained to do.

I trained in Toronto with a private acting teacher, who was wonderful, for years growing up.

Soldiers are trained not to be vulnerable, but when they come home, they've got to learn it.

I'm not the pedigree kid. I'm not classically trained. I didn't come from the fancy home, no.

I attended five different Jewish day schools as a teenager. I mean, I was trained as a hazan!

You're very well trained for the spacewalk, so when you go outside, it's not like the movies.

I'm certainly not a trained singer. The only place I could probably carry a tune is my shower.

I trained with some great keepers at college, alongside full-grown men, and it helped me 100%.

I was a boy soprano. I had a natural kind of voice and then trained it after my voice changed.

I was trained on the stage, and I can do stage as well as I can do movies, but I prefer films.

I started piano lessons when I was four; I was being classically trained at the Colburn School.

I trained as a dancer and did all that kind of stuff. And as a dancer, pressure's a good thing.

He isn't a real boss until he has trained subordinates to shoulder most of his responsibilities.

I was trained in the repertory theater. You would do Moliere one night and Sam Shepard the next.

I wasn't a crazy kid. I never went out, never went to football games. I was a trained ballerina.

No computer is ever going to ask a new, reasonable question. It takes trained people to do that.

I trained at Juilliard so that I could do all kinds of genres, so that's what I'm trained to do.

Fred Astaire was a more formal, trained dancer who loved waltzing and only danced with the girls.

Even though I was theatrically trained, learning to develop a character was an awesome experience.

Rob MacIntyre, who I trained with, was a big reason behind me dropping me a hundred and 50 pounds.

Every single workout counted when I trained, I didn't miss any meals and made sure I got my sleep.

One thing that cable has done is trained the audience that, when a TV show is on, it should be on.

I am not a trained singer, but when I was offered to sing for 'LPNY,' I took it up as a challenge.

I'm not a classically trained actor. I'm not a product of Stavlovski method or anything like that.

So much of our attention is trained on the Middle East these days, but we cannot ignore East Asia.

I trained in the theatre and I love the theatre. I get such a thrill seeing anything in the theatre.

Because society would rather we always wore a pretty face, women have been trained to cut off anger.

If you've been trained to listen to mistakes your whole life, you forget to listen to opportunities.

Because of my Calvinistic upbringing, I was trained to think that what you do has to have a purpose.

We are taught to attack the forces of evil and not those doing evil. That is what we are trained in.

I always trained hard in my life to win the title, and I will train twice as hard to stay at the top.

Pac was special. He was articulate. I trained him. Punishment for him was reading The New York Times.

They trained mostly by time periods, checking their pace for known distance only on special occasions.

I trained my butt off and competed and got to where I wanted to be from rigorous training and dieting.

I have a degree in vocal performance, I'm a classically trained singer, and I studied musical theatre.

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