I've often felt that life is a hard deal and it's unrelentingly tragic and an uphill fight.

The artist sees the tragic to such a degree that he is compelled to express the non-tragic.

The tragic thing about the Internet is that you can find out way too much, way too quickly.

Batman is basically an ordinary guy who had something tragic happen to him when he was young.

It is tragic that many in America think of us - Christians - as being people who hate others.

It is almost impossible to remember how tragic a place the world is when one is playing golf.

I had come to regard the U.S. Senate's rejection of the League of Nations as a tragic mistake.

It is a very beautiful story, 'The Crow.' It is a very tragic story with huge emotional themes.

It is difficult for me to understand the tragic accounts of troubled marriages that come to me.

There is a tragic clash between Truth and the world. Pure undistorted truth burns up the world.

The death of my daughter is a subject I talk about briefly because there is nothing more tragic.

I was so affected by the tragic shootings that took place in Newtown, Connecticut, as we all were.

Guys don't adapt as well as women do to getting their heart broken for the first time. It's tragic.

Auschwitz stands as a tragic reminder of the terrible potential man has for violence and inhumanity.

The paradoxical and tragic situation of man is that his conscience is weakest when he needs it most.

After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism.

Racism and injustice and violence sweep our world, bringing a tragic harvest of heartache and death.

That last winter was a tragic story and I got no personal honour out of it but I was a witness to it.

I get painted quite a bit as a tragic figure because of some of the stuff that's happened in my life.

With all due respect to re-enactors, I consider the Civil War too tragic a subject to make a game of.

If people want to take their lives and are helped to do so, the punishment is tragic for all concerned.

There is nothing more tragic than to come to the end of life and know we have been on the wrong course.

People say the 'Lost Generation' in a romantic sense, but I think it was tragic. They were really lost.

No, as it turns out, I really like being congratulated on my weight loss. I like it so much, it's tragic.

My style of comedy is very real and bittersweet, and sort of always on the verge of kind of being tragic.

We assert that the subject is crucial and only that subject matter is valid which is tragic and timeless.

My point is that death is more tragic than life, than any life, because every life has hope of some kind.

Some of the funniest moments I've ever experienced have been in the midst of tragic situations in my life.

There is tragic evidence to show that the paintings at the French prehistoric art sites are deteriorating.

What makes mankind tragic is not that they are the victims of nature, it is that they are conscious of it.

The refusal to acknowledge the scientific value of embryonic stem cell research is one more tragic misstep.

I am always a beginner. I only try to include different parts of life; the pastoral, the tragic, et cetera.

By trying to control everything we become very neurotic, more and more desperate. It's a huge tragic thing.

When something tragic happens in the world and I realize that, for the most part, I am powerless to stop it.

I didn't know the books and certainly didn't know the tragic origin story of Mary Poppins in 1906 Australia.

God has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense.

AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS' being some kind of divine retribution is crap.

There is nothing more tragic than to find an individual bogged down in the length of life, devoid of breadth.

It seems that Argentina is incapable of looking critically at its tragic military adventure in the Falklands.

The tragic case of Terri Schiavo in Florida highlights the importance of making our health-care wishes known.

Even though I lost my dad in just a tragic, sudden way, there are so many more stories that are so much worse.

Life is not a piece of tragic fiction in which, at the end of the reading, we all get up and go out for drinks.

A comedy that is ironic, sometimes bitter, in some cases even dramatic, tragic: This is what Italian comedy is.

To say you loved a person. / To say that person no longer exists. / A tragic flawed fate going on and on and on.

The tragic conditions at detention facilities are the result of an intense surge in migration across the border.

The separation of a childless couple is dramatic, but the separation of a couple with children is always tragic.

It's a terrible and tragic and counterproductive policy to avoid communicating with people who disagree with us.

Being gay is not a terrible, tragic disease that requires prevention or treatment chosen for you by your parents.

I hope the time will never come when I shall feel satisfied. To reach the goal of one's ambitions must be tragic.

The 200 is tragic! It's my favorite race, but it takes so much out of the body - and it's too much time to think.

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