Dance should touch people.

I love touching. I always touch people.

I'm just glad to be singing songs that touch people.

Every writer dreams of writing a book that will touch people.

You've gotta really touch people to move them to buy your records.

My mother taught me to be honest, to be selfless, and to touch people in a positive way.

Our actions - and inaction - touch people we may never know and never meet across the globe.

At heart, we believe that the films that work well are the films that do touch people emotionally.

The ability to touch people and literally change lives is incredibly relevant in a consumer-products company.

As a songwriter, if you can touch people and make them feel a little less alone in the world, then you've done your job.

As an artist, I never want to be a moment. I want to be a legacy, and I want my music to touch people for years to come.

I'm a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he's doing. I have a heart and a soul and I want to touch people and give.

I am a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he's doing - I have a heart and a soul and want to touch people and give.

It would be really great if our music continues to touch people. Once your heart is moved, it will develop to something better and positive.

I want to touch people with the music and help them through whatever they're going through. That's what music's there for - making people happy.

Once I heard how deep music could touch people and what it can make you feel and all of these emotions it could bring out, I was really fascinated with it all.

I wish people would turn off their computers, go outside, talk to people, touch people, lick people, enjoy each other's company and smell each other on the rump.

We saw very little of the real Jack Buck behind the microphone. He would touch people in ways that we will never know. Jack was much more than just an announcer.

I thought to myself, there's a man who gave up his life to serve others - to touch people in that way is probably the greatest thing you can do as a human being.

I think when a musician loses their inhibition and dives deep into their soul, that's a prayer. It's so powerful that you will touch people whether it's good or bad.

If something in your writing gives support to people in their lives, that's more than just entertainment-which is what we writers all struggle to do, to touch people.

There's certain songs that you're gonna record that you hope to touch people and change lives, and there's certain songs that you know that are not going to be that serious.

I think books, novels and autobiographies have a power to touch people far more personally than films do, so there's a bit more of a responsibility when you then dramatise it.

Our songs touch people, and take them back to a time when there was no threat of terrorism, when you didn't have to lock your doors and when Mom and Dad took care of everything.

Some shows just go away - and that's fine. They serve their purpose and their entertainment value, but there are shows that touch people in different ways and that they remember.

The reason I play music is to touch people - for selfish reasons, as well. It feels good to make someone else feel something, whether it's a kiss, a painting, good idea or it's a song.

If I read a part and think I can connect to it, that I can touch people with it, I will do it, no matter what its size. And if I think I can't do something with a part, I won't take it.

Although it sounds cliche, the main thing I want to do is touch people with what I do. I want everything I do to be meaningful, and I want it to be about more than just myself, or the money.

I tried so hard with movies like Vertigo and Middle of the Night and others. I felt those would show me that it's only a matter of time before I'd find the right one to reach out and touch people.

Fashion has always had the ability to affect lives, to touch people. But for the longest period of time, we've said, 'Oh, we're just pages of a magazine; that's what we all look at.' It's more than that.

I do gravitate towards the sad songs because I find them to be more of a challenge for me from a writing perspective. There are things about those songs that do touch people in a way that a fun song can't.

I don't want to be super serious but I want to have fun with my platform. I want to touch people, I want to be relatable and let girls know that you can go to college and still pursue what you want after that.

When I was 11, I developed a new symptom - the worst one yet: I had to touch people before I talked to them. When I say 'had to,' that's exactly what I mean: if I didn't touch them first, I literally couldn't form the words.

I think that talking about the personal specificity, personal details, is how you get the big, big audiences - by talking about your relationships or your personal tragedies. If you reach out with that energy, you'll touch people.

Whenever you write music, you want it to touch people on a certain level. I mean, I've been reading tweets about 'Troublemaker' and people saying 'OMG, I can so relate to this - this is a guy that I fancy, or a girl that I fancy; it's exactly like this person.'

The thing I've most realized is that when people come up to me and tell me how much my story means to them, how much it was inspiration for them to see me fight through and push through with my career, I realized love is real. And there's no greater feeling in this world, to give back and touch people.

These technologies can make life easier, can let us touch people we might not otherwise. You may have a child with a birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and support groups, get medical information, the latest experimental drugs. These things can profoundly influence life. I'm not downplaying that.

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