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I have the tools and the size to be a good defender. I've just got to be able to put it all together.
Fear is bred from ignorance. So knowledge is a weapon against it, and reason is the tool of knowledge.
Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others.
I've got all the tools to make it hard for anyone, especially someone that's a division lower than me.
I think of my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not the be all end all of my existence.
When our tools are broken, we feel broken. And when somebody fixes one, we feel a tiny bit more whole.
You must accept that if the computer is a tool, it is the job of tool user to know what to use it for.
If I couldn't do it, then I'd be defeated. I've got the tools to do it. I never did question my tools.
I bought an audio technician mic and Pro Tools SE, the demo version and was recording in the basement.
Young people know how to use these social networking tools, and they know how to use them effectively.
In Chaos Magic, beliefs are not seen as ends in themselves, but as tools for creating desired effects.
The tools I handle are words. They may be unappreciated or misunderstood, but they tell us who we are.
I think we're all very curious about our own minds, but we just may not have the tools to channel that.
You have all the tools right now to make this day, this moment, happy. The best of these tools is love.
So interviews are a valuable tool, but under certain circumstances they'd be more valuable than others.
Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody's inner personality.
What my previous film 'Paper Tigers' have proven, is that it can point toward helpful tools for change.
I am consoled by the fact that the Lord knows how to work and how to act, even with insufficient tools.
A revolution doesn’t happen when society adopts new tools. It happens when society adopts new behaviors
Anti-depressan ts Controlling tools of your system Making life more tolerable Making life more tolerable
Songwriting helps me sort out my personal problems. With acting, you're just a tool for someone's ideas.
WordPress, it's a complex tool; it's like the back of a digital SLR... but that doesn't work on a phone.
A person could see a lot without ever leaving his own living room. Especially if he had the right tools.
Most birds are geniuses. We had one that became a pet; he learned to talk, use tools and solve problems.
I want people to have the practical tools and resources they need to lead high quality, authentic lives.
BlackBerrys are a wonderful tool. I'm very tenacious about keeping up with my kids, as they are with me.
It is only by giving people the tools to empower themselves will they be able to achieve their potential.
The most satisfactory definition of man from the scientific point of view is probably Man the Tool-maker.
The content of most textbooks is perishable, but the tools of self-directedness serve one well over time.
This wise man observed that wealth is a tool of freedom. But the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery.
We continue to see acquisitions as an opportunity area for us. It's one of the tools that we use to grow.
It was the same in World War I, when Woodrow Wilson, also a tool of the Jews, maneuvered it into the war.
Men were not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to be precise and perfect in all their actions.
Just like I have all the capabilities to become a big star, Golden Boy has all the tools to get me there.
Some records with drum machines on them sound phony and plastic. It all depends on how you use the tools.
Green issues have been used as a marketing tool. Sometimes these green claims are completely meaningless.
The Method of Bisection is a sophisticated version of a tool used in fifth grade called "Guess and Check".
Accents can be a great tool to tell a story - but if you do it wrong, it pulls you right out of the movie.
Suicides have a special language. Like carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build.
Weapons are ominous tools. They are not the noble ruler's tools. He only uses them when he can't avoid it.
Fear is what activates your tools; your jab, your movement, your speed, your ability to absorb punishment.
Any tool that helps instill God's Word in the lives of people is something I can enthusiastically endorse!
I really believe in giving tools and resources to other creators so that they can create beautiful videos.
Flattery was one of Kissinger's principal tools in winning over Nixon, and a tool he employed shamelessly.
Weapons are instruments of fear; they are not a wise man's tools. He uses them only when he has no choice.
It was when Lucifer first congratulated himself upon his angelic behavior that he became the tool of evil.
The things I discovered when writing 'Line of Duty' were the tools you have available to write a thriller.
Choice is the only tool we have that enables us to go from who we are today to who we want to be tomorrow.
I do believe CDSs [credit default swaps] have been miscast, much as poor workmen tend to blame their tools.
I've always liked the heavier stuff. I've always loved Tool and System of a Down, Korn and Nine Inch Nails.